Boatlyfe BR
We haven't lied you hit her simple as that and your rebel friend was driving around in a prop car playing music which can be seen in the second picture
I appologise for spawning a prop car. i have just read through the rules again and realise it is not allowed. I was testing this car as i was planning on doing an RP which involved Go-Kart racing. which i now understand is not allowed.
Oh you mean AFTER you had started to insult me? Calling me bitches, saying that I 'fucked' everyone on th server? Oh but of course you fail to mention your faults ^^ Anyway, this is the last time I respond to you.
[Image: 1320415-bigthumbnail.jpg] I am the pink wolf, bow before my greatness. -WolfPrincess2
(01-27-2014, 01:21 AM)KiraMae19f Wrote: Oh you mean AFTER you had started to insult me? Calling me bitches, saying that I 'fucked' everyone on th server? Oh but of course you fail to mention your faults ^^ Anyway, this is the last time I respond to you.

I would like to see some evidence of me saying any of that because I did not infact say that.
Nob Gobler said he would even post about the verbal abuse you did
User has been warned for this post. Reason:
The only people n here that are not at fault for this is boatlyfe and memane the admins/mods have better things to do than look at stupid ban request on the fourms so quit being a baby.
If you are not a part of this then kindly sto posting on my thread. He is at fault for this in my opinion and I am the one with screenshots and witnesses. He has one witness who was also breaking rules at that time. So if yo know nothing about this then dont stick your head where it is not wanted.
[Image: 1320415-bigthumbnail.jpg] I am the pink wolf, bow before my greatness. -WolfPrincess2
User has been warned for this post. Reason: Offensive post
(01-27-2014, 05:11 AM)KiraMae19f Wrote: If you are not a part of this then kindly sto posting on my thread. He is at fault for this in my opinion and I am the one with screenshots and witnesses. He has one witness who was also breaking rules at that time. So if yo know nothing about this then dont stick your head where it is not wanted.

he has witnesses id stop posting because nothing is going to happen its your fault stop wasting the internet and look both ways whilst crossing the street
(01-27-2014, 06:14 AM)Pixlemaster12 Wrote:
(01-27-2014, 05:11 AM)KiraMae19f Wrote: If you are not a part of this then kindly sto posting on my thread. He is at fault for this in my opinion and I am the one with screenshots and witnesses. He has one witness who was also breaking rules at that time. So if yo know nothing about this then dont stick your head where it is not wanted.

he has witnesses id stop posting because nothing is going to happen its your fault stop wasting the internet and look both ways whilst crossing the street

Stop posting on my thread. You continue to insult, just as you and your friends did when I told you I was posting this. So if you continue to post it will just add to my case.
[Image: 1320415-bigthumbnail.jpg] I am the pink wolf, bow before my greatness. -WolfPrincess2
The only "insults" that were dished out were "so ignorant" on my side. I didn't think you were posting a BR because it took you what 30 minutes to do? And almost every time i walk past you in the street I hear "I'm sick of you retards not reading the rules I'm posting a BR" aimed at new players for things as petty as building without a supported roof. Boat did try to help by posting his steam ID but you wouldn't listen. I agree with pixlemaster on this one. Its come this far because you won't blame yourself for anything and the only fallback option you have is a BR. You are the one who is acting like a child here. I want this resolved. You just want someone banned to calm you down which isn't how it should be. This was no ones fault but your own. in a real life scenario what you have done is 1. pull out onto the wrong side of the road without looking, foot to the floor. hit another car. and its their fault? 2. literally sprinted out into roaring traffic and got hit by, wait whats this? a car? on the road?!?!?!? you can see by the picture that you only came a foot out from the curb (so you must have run out when the car was feet away), you are no where near any kind of crossing, you emerged from behind a bus shelter. I'm amazed this has actually been put on a BR. The only credible bit of evidence you have that doesn't screw you over is the picture of me in my go-kart. that will hopefully be the only ban that comes out of this.

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