Steam Name: NEMxDman

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:72767734

BanID: 78671

Ban Reason
Double accounting

Staff Member: Jonas

Involved users
Myself, Jonas, Other players on the server and in this case Captain Barry.

Why should you be unbanned?
I posted an unban request after being banned for over a year, no one had replied to it within 10 days therefore meaning that I would be unbanned. Then It gets denied by Captain Barry because I had apparently been caught again on the server under the account name "Phantom" which was also apparently "family sharing" with the account that I double accounted with a year ago RevivedzMennace. The video I have provided shows the process I went through getting access to that account and also shows that it had been inactive for 400+ days and didn't even have the box ticked to family share games. I also had to get a code to access the account on my computer meaning I hadn't accessed it on my computer before. Not long after I made the first evidence video showing that RevivedzMennace and Phantom were not linked Captain Barry then changed his story saying that it was now family sharing with a different account owned by me (which may I add was only brought up after it was seen in the first video) I made a second evidence video showing that the account couldn't have been family sharing either. Check the links leading to other posts below to see the back and forth between me and Captain Barry. Just seems very odd that this situation rises out of nowhere on the day I'm supposed to be unbanned. 

Why would I go on the server on another account on the day my account was going to be unbanned? It really doesn't make any sense. The unban request was unfairly denied, I have now provided all the evidence I have that proves I am not guilty in this situation, Captain Barry claimed admins have something that gives you notifications when someone is double accounting. I don't know whats going on there, but either the software made a mistake or Captain Barry lied. - Claims I was caught double accounting again. - Claims my other account "RevivedzMennace" was family sharing - The Staff Report on Captain Barry that was falsely denied (Contains most of the information on the situation as well as the reply from Captain Barry changing his story) - Me getting access to the account and showing that it had not been active for over 400 days and didnt have family sharing active. You may want to skip forward on some parts due to the amount of time I took because I had to reset the password to the accounts email address. PS I used my phone to get information from my emails inbox to prevent any important information being leaked. I also didnt want to edit the video in any way to ensure that its decent evidence. video shows me regaining access to the other account that was said to be connected to "Phantom", it shows the account has not been online for over a year and shows that family sharing is not active. I also show that the only games owned by the account are free games.

And also before you try to claim that the video is faked or tampered with in any way how could I fake the account being inactive for over 400 days? I also refreshed the page multiple times to prove that the inspect element tool was not used to edit the numbers. 

Messages In This Thread
NEMxDman - by NEMxDman - 03-29-2019, 06:07 PM
RE: NEMxDman - by Captain Barry - 04-03-2019, 07:07 PM

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