Ban request on Syntex
Name of player: Syntex

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:37126711

Time in GMT: 16:44 GMT +1

Server: v2d

Summary: So, my friend and I were building a club. We were outside and just ran in, and since the door slides before I could lock the door Syntex ran inside and started looking around and running around my property. I asked nicely 3 times to leave in my mic, then took out my shotgun and told him to leave. Then he decided to FailRP, and just keep walking around until I told him in my mic it's FailRP. Then he went into Local OOC and started trying to accuse me, eventually getting so mad he decided he was going to try and spy on me to see if I could give him a reason to ban me. So, this ban request is to get him banned for multiple FearRP situations.

First, I'd like you all to look at the second page of this thread right here to see how I pointed out he always breaks FearRP :

Also, if you read these posts you'll see he doesn't deny his FearRP at all :

And here are some pictures of the log. Unfortunately I was using a mic for most of the time so you wont see me yell get out, but my friends can vouch for me. Also, he points out I was telling him to get out although I wasn't screaming.

So yeah, here are the pictures.

[Image: gSqGe2r.jpg]

[Image: 1UhAybP.jpg]

Also, you can check the logs and if you look at the threads I've linked then there should be no confusion about this ban request. Thanks.
Not sure if this is a joke or..

I walked into a club, that was open, it said ' Pimp club '
There was you and 2 other friends of yours, i was in there for about a second, i was roleplaying a hairdresser, and i was a harmless girl. You thought it would be a great idea to fail rp, pull out a shotgun on me, and follow to scream down your mic telling me to ' get the fuck out before i blow your brains across the wall ' ...
I switched to LOOC, because i found this absurd, and ridiculous, was TALKING to you through looc, which means you were talking through it aswell, logs will show that.. Then i decided that you weren't going to listen, and having your two other friends yell through their mics aswell.. I switched back to ' In character ' and proceeded to follow your orders which was walk outside.

So you decide its a good idea to post this ban request on me, all because i had one of your friends blacklisted for public building, not my fault he did that Smile

You had no reason at all, to pull a gun, if you didn't want me there, all you had to do was say ' Hey dude we aren't roleplaying or something, can you please leave ' .. a passive and understanding manner, i would of been like ' Yeah sure dude, no problem, nice dupe btw! ' And left it at that.

This is the last time i am going to explain what happened, because it is all that happened, nothing more, nothing less.
(03-18-2014, 03:15 PM)Syntex Wrote: Not sure if this is a joke or..

I walked into a club, that was open, it said ' Pimp club '
There was you and 2 other friends of yours, i was in there for about a second, i was roleplaying a hairdresser, and i was a harmless girl. You thought it would be a great idea to fail rp, pull out a shotgun on me, and follow to scream down your mic telling me to ' get the *** out before i blow your brains across the wall ' ...
I switched to LOOC, because i found this absurd, and ridiculous, was TALKING to you through looc, which means you were talking through it aswell, logs will show that.. Then i decided that you weren't going to listen, and having your two other friends yell through their mics aswell.. I switched back to ' In character ' and proceeded to follow your orders which was walk outside.

So you decide its a good idea to post this ban request on me, all because i had one of your friends blacklisted for public building, not my fault he did that Smile

You had no reason at all, to pull a gun, if you didn't want me there, all you had to do was say ' Hey dude we aren't roleplaying or something, can you please leave ' .. a passive and understanding manner, i would of been like ' Yeah sure dude, no problem, nice dupe btw! ' And left it at that.

This is the last time i am going to explain what happened, because it is all that happened, nothing more, nothing less.

Okay, I'm pretty sure everybody in the world agrees it's not FailRP on my behalf if I ask you to leave 3 times, then when you disobey me pull out a shotgun and tell you to leave. See, that's a 100% valid reason and I didn't bullshit my way through it like you did. I have proof that you Fail RP'ed on other ban requests as well, there is no getting out of this situation Syntex. And the only reason you left is because we stated it was FailRP and you got scared of getting banned. Well, too late.
I suggest you get good evidence of you telling him to go out and as well evidence showing that he broke FearRP.
Kind Regards,
Pulling other cases of the accused player and tell us to see that he deserves a ban is NOT how this works.
We look at the given evidence at the current case, to not be bias and always be open minded to both sides.

The evidence you have uploaded is not sufficient and does not show any breakage of FearRP.

You have 24 hours to upload sufficient evidence.
Zed, it shows clear text displaying that he has equipped a shotgun (Notice the "shotgun" being said), the breakage of FearRP (Cyaddd and "I eat all the time" said it) If you don't think that's sufficient, then please, look through the log at that point of time.

Witness aswell, that's why I'm posting.
I have 2 other witnesses (one who just posted) and another who can stand witness to this as he has 0 witnesses. You have access to the logs, I suggest you use it. The evidence I supplied is sufficient enough to see he refused to leave while I had a gun pointed at him, thus why I posted this thread.
Friends don't count as sufficient evidence.
(03-18-2014, 05:34 PM)Syntex Wrote: Friends don't count as sufficient evidence.

One of them wasn't my friend, I was going to purchase a dupe from him and he stands witness. The only reason I defended him on your thread is because it's my fault as I angered you into becoming butthurt, not because he's my friend. So yeah, I guess that does make him a witness. I don't even have him added on steam
He was still building and playing with you guys today and yesterday.
You still had no reason at all, to pull a gun, if you didn't want me there, all you had to do was say ' Hey dude we aren't roleplaying or something, can you please leave ' .. a passive and understanding manner, i would of been like ' Yeah sure dude, no problem, nice dupe btw! ' And left it at that.

Show me solid evidence that i broke fearRP and i will shut up and take my ban request and be on with my day, if you cannot provide that, then i don't know why we are still here.

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