More ranting at the administration
Cause you're obviously stating and expressing that nothing is done about your complaints and problems.
It's regarding that thread and another, which I need to talk about. End of discussion.
(07-25-2013, 12:31 AM)Termin Wrote: Also Blackdog, if more information comes to light in our private posts we will ask, but mainly it is admins stating their opinions.

Alright, was just noteing what ive seen and experienced

Also Jonas, ive noticed in a few of your topics recently while you have some valid points, the way your going about getting them noticed and shown is essentialy oveshadowing your points and makeing it harder to take you seriously.

Your Temar post and your ban request on the guy with the tower build, both having some valid points here and there, but the way your going about showing them is getting ridiculus.

This is mostly shown in the ban request on the towerbuild guy, he even showed he had permission to put it down and build it, yet you still hounded him looking for even the smallest thing to keep it going, like how he removed his buttons when you arrived so people wouldnt mess around with it, like they did the last time he had it down, and was the reason why he had it in a different place.

That was a completely acceptable reason for doing so but you seem to have continued to hound him.

You need to tone it down.
Saint Dogbert: The patron saint of technology
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(07-25-2013, 12:13 AM)GeorgeTheBoy Wrote:
(07-24-2013, 11:19 PM)Jonas Wrote: Also another thing to add the discussion regarding the advantage to the admin on abuse cases:
Admins always have the ability to talk with the man with the final word (usually Killjoy).
Problem here is that I at no point got a chance to talk privately to Killjoy about this case. That can influence Killjoy final words, and I don't find that reasonable.

Do you really think that speaking to Killjoy (or any other SA for that matter) will change the outcome of the abuse thread.

FL is not corrupt. If an Admin is found to be abusing their powers, they will be demoted, end of. The SA's keep the team in line and asking them to help you out in an abuse thread is just going to get you a demote faster.

Seriously, it's like you're trying to find anything you can to slag off the FL team. You know that we do our best to serve the community and I have no idea why you feel this way about us. It seems they might as well replace the team with robots if we can't have fun with the players while in-game. People complain that we are too strict or can't take a joke but as soon as an Admin has some fun with a couple of players it's suddenly like he/she has committed a war crime.

Take a chill pill and have a bit of fun for once, please.

A little quick fact: I play on Fearless servers to have fun.
Like everybody (SA or not) we'll be affected by what we hear. It's how humans work, really. Termin had nothing to do with the case in the first place, so I don't exactly see why this would be needed. If anyone were to chat with an SA regarding the abuse thread, I believe it should be accuser or accused. Part of the whole thing about this is to test how this is going to work out. As I did mention I have a hard time believing Temar will get same treatment as others in the administration would get.
Could you imagine a moderator doing this? Do you think the administration would try to "protect" him in the same way?
I know all of you work hard for the community, but having a few crucial people controlling how this thing shall move, isn't exactly great. I'm not trying to "slag off" the Fearless administration. They're doing a neat job, but there is still things that would require improvement.

(07-25-2013, 12:49 AM)BlackDog Wrote:
(07-25-2013, 12:31 AM)Termin Wrote: Also Blackdog, if more information comes to light in our private posts we will ask, but mainly it is admins stating their opinions.

Alright, was just noteing what ive seen and experienced

Also Jonas, ive noticed in a few of your topics recently while you have some valid points, the way your going about getting them noticed and shown is essentialy oveshadowing your points and makeing it harder to take you seriously.

Your Temar post and your ban request on the guy with the tower build, both having some valid points here and there, but the way your going about showing them is getting ridiculous.

This is mostly shown in the ban request on the towerbuild guy, he even showed he had permission to put it down and build it, yet you still hounded him looking for even the smallest thing to keep it going, like how he removed his buttons when you arrived so people wouldnt mess around with it, like they did the last time he had it down, and was the reason why he had it in a different place.

That was a completely acceptable reason for doing so but you seem to have continued to hound him.

You need to tone it down.

The ways of getting my opinion through is discuss able, but I don't see any other obvious way to do it. As I said, what we hear affects us. Suggesting me doing suicide isn't exactly what I wanted. I don't want to mix the ban request or the guy I accused there in this discussion. The way he kept annoying ingame is the reason for the way I worked on that case.
I fail to see how posting a admin abuse thread is a ridiculous way or showing the need for change. What really annoyed me, wasn't exactly what Temar did himself, but rather what the team next to him did.
After the abuse thread is over, I'm probably not going to comment on this much more.
Just stating my opinion:

The Admins/Moderators/Temar- Work hard at their job and If they want to relax I say let them... I'm not trying to lickass because i don't need brownie points, I know they work hard because trying to RP with one of them is hard- they answer every @ call they get.

As for the Admin Abuse section: you need evidence and maybe some grammar, look back at all the other Admin Abuses and you may notice they are practically people just mad because they got banned.

I had a little read of your Abuse thread on Temar: I believe it was for fun and no harm came out of it- if i was there i would of had fun myself and you said this-
Quote:Fact is that I come on Fearless to roleplay, not to go around and chase midgets.
No one put a gun to your head and said 'you better chase that midget or I will put a fu**ing bullet through your head' you could of simply went off and minded your own business? - I have been here for a year or so now and found this the most ridiculous Admin abuse.
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I'm moving this to Discussions as off-topic really is the wrong board for this.
(07-24-2013, 11:19 PM)Jonas Wrote: Also another thing to add the discussion regarding the advantage to the admin on abuse cases:
Admins always have the ability to talk with the man with the final word (usually Killjoy).

Problem here is that I at no point got a chance to talk privately to Killjoy about this case. That can influence Killjoy final words, and I don't find that reasonable.
It's my job to be the admin team's best friend and worst nightmare at the same time. Regarding any abuse cases: if I need any additional commentary from the involved parties, I will contact them myself. Also, my PM box is open to everybody, you can all send me a message regarding any cases whatsoever - as long as it ain't "unban me plz i donaet ok."

(07-25-2013, 12:13 AM)BlackDog Wrote: Im going to have to agree with Jonas here on that, theres been a few occasions i can think of where either evidence against or conversations regarding an accused have never been shown to them and or withheld after they had been labled "Admin Only"

Just feels like the accused should always be kept in the loop so they can properly form their defence and bring forward information that may have either been left out, forgoton or distorted overtime, and just overall know whats going on.
We don't form some secret conspiracies against players or build up defenses on appeals - do you even realize how silly that sounds?
99.99% of the names I see on my daily cases are completely unknown to me. I don't have the time, effort or reason to conspire against everyone, neither does my staff. Our goal is to maintain order in the community, if we wanted a quiet server to RP amongst ourselves and our best buddies - we'd set up a password and keep it all private in the first place.

And I'd really like to see all these conspiracy theories stop, don't speculate on how we might abuse this and how every admin is out for no-good. Got a question? Ask me.
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I honestly don't see a point to this thread any more...
(07-25-2013, 01:10 PM)Doomdude1 Wrote: I honestly don't see a point to this thread any more...

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