Gamemode Farming, Fishing, Mining stats..
Title of Suggestion: Farming, Fishing, Mining stats..

No need for a long description to be honest, Just our stats/milestones in these fields specially "farming" to be saved, and transported to Main Server when it relaunches.

Basically, There is not a one statement regarding if they will be saved or not, I have asked some staffs members and recieved different answers almost everytime.

Why not?

Farmers, even though they might be despised and frowned upon in the community, but they have managed to keep the server alive in someway, and those who stood online when the server was completly dead, managed to keep the server still lit instead of being all gray and dead.

Now coming to the player pov, why would i have to go through the same hell of farming to get something from the milestone that i had in the event server ? and the gap between one farming milestone and the second is ridiculously high, and the time needed to reach the next milestone is not a joke either..

Now before, receving comments like "Farming is useless", "Farmers are bad" if its a side you don't like to see that a whole other topic, and nerfing it is also whole other topic.. but i am here talking in the name of those who have farmed, unlocked things, and don't want their time wasted like that and repeat again when the main launches (Me included).

Thank you, And have a wonderful day..
[Image: G3CcK3b.png]
The Events server is a temporary database seperate from the main server, and as such, assume nothing will carry over unless we specifically say it will.

The Events FAQ states the following
(10-13-2024, 06:41 PM)Self Wrote: The only things that will transfer to the main relaunch are Event Rewards and RP points, alongside all of the stuff you had before the Events server.

We've definitely communicated this several times, as we wanted to make sure everyone is aware of where their old items are and that no progress on Events will carry over (apart from the very few exceptions). We also recently added a banner to the top of the Events server rule page that links to the FAQ, to help ensure everyone knows that it's the Events server and what it is. I don't see much more we can do to ensure everyone is informed, stuff like a pop-up message on join would annoy people more than it helps.

Fearless Management
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