Events Server FAQ
[Image: logo_events.svg]
FL Events - FAQ

Q: Where do I download the content?

Q: How do I join the server?
A: You can use the banners at the top of the forums to join the server. If you can't find the server, put the following into the in-game console. Please note that the server may be offline at times depending on our schedule.

Q: What is the build server IP?
A: The build IP is

Q: When is the server online?
A: Check the schedule here for scheduled events. The server will only be open on scheduled days, but the build server will always be available. We intend to keep the events server running until our full relaunch early next year. A new schedule will be released for each month.

Q: Where is all of my stuff?
A: The events server uses a different database (events database), which is separate to the main database that contains all of your stuff. We will use the main database on our relaunch, and the events database will be deleted. To help you get started on Events, we've increased your starting money and have given you some items. Please note that almost everything from Events, such as items and money, will not carry over to the relaunch, as the relaunch will use the main server database. The only exception to this are RP points and Event Rewards (only if specifically told that it will be carried over). These exceptions will be manually given to you after relaunch by the staff team.

Q: What is the purpose of the server?
A: We noticed how many of you missed FL due to our extended downtime. The purpose of Events is to provide a small slice of FL until our eventual relaunch. We couldn't do this earlier due to the lack of development resources, however, we're now confident we can deliver our Events experience alongside ongoing work towards our eventual full relaunch.

Q: What gamemode is it on?
A: By default (on "open days") we will be running the 2022 gamemode from just before the economy update, on any of our modern regular maps (V4B1, V5P, EvoSide or Sanranevo). We intend to change this from time to time based on your feedback, for example via surveys or votes. Some of these changes could be going backwards (or even forwards) in gamemode versions, or trying out different maps (either new or old). Our plans are dynamic and will be heavily influenced by your feedback.

Q: What are the rules?
A: Check the rules page here. The rules both ingame and on the forums have been updated. The staff team will be a bit more lenient for the Events server, with the rules being a general guideline rather than a strictly followed document. Please ask a staff member if you are unsure.

This thread will be continuously updated, if you have any questions, please contact us
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