Ban request MSOH Arre, Yurera, MSOH LARS ERIK, Ghost_walker and [FL:RP] Vegas<3
(03-25-2012, 12:17 AM)Jesse James Wrote:
(03-25-2012, 12:04 AM)Yurera Wrote:
(03-24-2012, 11:47 PM)Jesse James Wrote:
(03-24-2012, 11:34 PM)Ghost_walker Wrote: 1) i was there on both raids

2) a death threat is a serious thing wich could cause tension and even wars IRL......

1. Well, I took pictures of every raider that was in the house at the second raid and you aren't one them (strange...). I wish that I had pictures of you so I had more proof on you, but a confession is also nice.

2. If you assume that there was a dead threat and it wasn't a random raid for contra and weed (money isn't a valid reason). And still: No reason to raid my base with molotoves.

3. See answer 1.

4. It was the "base" of me and DannyBoy so it wasn't the Corleone's base .....

Obey my Don??? Me and DannyBoy had 2 rooms there and I don't know where the others had a base. The second floor wasn't the Corleone's base and if it wasn't you had still a valid reason to raid the house.
If you play as a Corleone, the DON is your leader, he is your familys father! You should "Base" with him. He is your Boss.... You are problaly Corleone for the high salary and the Weed privileges....

1. I haven't see you the first or second time, but the pics that I made were taking at the end of the raid when the 3 random raiders were loading the contra and weed. You weren't there when they were loading, maybe you were there before, but I haven't pics of that.
I had the Black hummer, i killed 2 of you when you tried to crowbar us, when you spawned again (They died, went into the kitchen of the house, and pulled up crowbars, one of them even hit me)! We even loaded some contra into the hummer. My mates can confirm my presence there. You are just trying to push us away from this topic.

2. Well, I thought I wouldn't be random raided and RDMed at my base.
It was not a random raid as we have explained before, and besides, building in your spawn isn't popular with the admins........

3. It wasn't my house it was the Corleone's house. But I thought the reason was "a dead threat by someone" but I see now the reason was just contra and weed.
If we see some contra, and you threat us to death (This was the Dons doing. But should apply to all Corleone members, since they are a big happy family) At least have the decency to explain, why you even consider building your base at your spawn, it applies under the No Life Rule, please check it out before you leave.... it's called NLR!

4. PM? You kept killing us so how would I sent you a pm or local OOC if I kept dying.
You can type in .// = Local OOC when you die, you can talk in the microphone, you can talk in OOC, you can even talk via /pm (Not sure about /PM, but should apply aswell) We will happily let you leave, you just told us yo wanted to, instead of pulling Crowbars on us!

(03-25-2012, 02:28 AM)Yurera Wrote:
(03-25-2012, 12:17 AM)Jesse James Wrote:
(03-25-2012, 12:04 AM)Yurera Wrote: [quote='Jesse James' pid='91146' dateline='1332632820']
[quote='Ghost_walker' pid='91141' dateline='1332632079']
1) i was there on both raids

2) a death threat is a serious thing wich could cause tension and even wars IRL......

1. The Don was not that good. The family was not that close with the each other and you know: you can't demote the Don.

2. I'm not trying to push you of this topic (what would the reason be?). It would be great to also have some screens from you, but I haven't see you outside, downstairs or upstairs. The cars that were infront of the door were the tides truck of Arre, a BMW and a white racecar (don't know the name). This was at the second raid. I've no pictures of the first raid and at the first raid I was only upstairs. But I will also put your name in the ban request, because you want it so bad.

3. For the second time: first I want to see the proof of the dead threat, but if he has threatened than that's not a valid reason to raid the house and upstairs base (me and DannyBoy) for contra and weed. I haven't thought about NLR, because I didn't expect that I would be random raided (twice) and RDMed (many times).

4. I haven't thought about .// or Microphone (I never use the mic), but why did you kill us constantly (even if we were unarmed), but you were willing to let us free??? I see a contradiction here. And The OOC is not for this kind of stuff.
"Death is lighter than a feather, duty heavier than a mountain." Sima Qian
(03-25-2012, 10:35 AM)Jesse James Wrote:
(03-25-2012, 02:28 AM)Yurera Wrote:
(03-25-2012, 12:17 AM)Jesse James Wrote:
(03-25-2012, 12:04 AM)Yurera Wrote: [quote='Jesse James' pid='91146' dateline='1332632820']
[quote='Ghost_walker' pid='91141' dateline='1332632079']
1) i was there on both raids

2) a death threat is a serious thing wich could cause tension and even wars IRL......

1. The Don was not that good. The family was not that close with the each other and you know: you can't demote the Don.
Why don't you go unemp then, or try to shape the corleone and help the don

2. I'm not trying to push you of this topic (what would the reason be?). It would be great to also have some screens from you, but I haven't see you outside, downstairs or upstairs. The cars that were infront of the door were the tides truck of Arre, a BMW and a white racecar (don't know the name). This was at the second raid. I've no pictures of the first raid and at the first raid I was only upstairs. But I will also put your name in the ban request, because you want it so bad.
It is not that i want it so bad, i am just protecting myself and my fellow friends from something that was completely legit. I had a white BMW, i got late at the second raid but i was there in the end.

3. For the second time: first I want to see the proof of the dead threat, but if he has threatened than that's not a valid reason to raid the house and upstairs base (me and DannyBoy) for contra and weed. I haven't thought about NLR, because I didn't expect that I would be random raided (twice) and RDMed (many times).
You weren't random raided, you threatened us, and someone made a mistake opening a door so we saw the contra, we then decided to make the choice of getting some money since we had a legit reason. the upstars is also a part of the downstairs....... Build on all floors if you are gonna have a base, and avoid the spawn, since it still counts on NLR, you should always think about that rule!

4. I haven't thought about .// or Microphone (I never use the mic), but why did you kill us constantly (even if we were unarmed), but you were willing to let us free??? I see a contradiction here. And The OOC is not for this kind of stuff.
We will gladly let you leave the spawn but you chose not to. Using crowbars in defence, after dying..... Think about these kinds of stuff if you get raided.... And for the last time, avoid the spawn!

(03-25-2012, 12:27 PM)Yurera Wrote:
(03-25-2012, 10:35 AM)Jesse James Wrote:
(03-25-2012, 02:28 AM)Yurera Wrote:
(03-25-2012, 12:17 AM)Jesse James Wrote:
(03-25-2012, 12:04 AM)Yurera Wrote: [quote='Jesse James' pid='91146' dateline='1332632820']
[quote='Ghost_walker' pid='91141' dateline='1332632079']
1) i was there on both raids

2) a death threat is a serious thing wich could cause tension and even wars IRL......

1. The Don was not that good. The family was not that close with the each other and you know: you can't demote the Don.
Why don't you go unemp then, or try to shape the corleone and help the don

2. I'm not trying to push you of this topic (what would the reason be?). It would be great to also have some screens from you, but I haven't see you outside, downstairs or upstairs. The cars that were infront of the door were the tides truck of Arre, a BMW and a white racecar (don't kno......

1. You don't switch jobs if you don't like the leader of your profession.

2. Well, that's possible, because I've seen a BMW, but you first said you were there with a Hummer and there wasn't one.

3. I don't believe that there was a dead threat and that that the reason of the raid is and you coincidentally saw contra downstairs.

Your reason was money from the beginning. You searched the first floor and found contra then you thought: hey, maybe that there is also some contra upstairs. You molotoved everything and then you left and at the second raid you came again for the money and loaded the tides truck with all the contra and weed.

4. And still you keep saying that we could flee whenever we wanted and again: why kept you killing us (even if we were unarmed)?

This is the last reaction of me, because you keep saying the same stuff over and over again.

"Death is lighter than a feather, duty heavier than a mountain." Sima Qian
(03-25-2012, 03:35 PM)Jesse James Wrote:
(03-25-2012, 12:27 PM)Yurera Wrote:
(03-25-2012, 10:35 AM)Jesse James Wrote:
(03-25-2012, 02:28 AM)Yurera Wrote:
(03-25-2012, 12:17 AM)Jesse James Wrote:

1. The Don was not that good. The family was not that close with the each other and you know: you can't demote the Don.
Why don't you go unemp then, or try to shape the corleone and help the don

2. I'm not trying to push you of this topic (what would the reason be?). It would be great to also have some screens from you, but I haven't see you outside, downstairs or upstairs. The cars that were infront of the door were the tides truck of Arre, a BMW and a white racecar (don't kno......

1. You don't switch jobs if you don't like the leader of your profession.
You can, but you wouldn't ignore you father, would you?

2. Well, that's possible, because I've seen a BMW, but you first said you were there with a Hummer and there wasn't one.
I had a black hummer in the first one, and then i was with my white BMW in the second one

3. I don't believe that there was a dead threat and that that the reason of the raid is and you coincidentally saw contra downstairs.
There was a death treath, one of you fellow Corleone opened a door when the Don treathened to kill us. We saw the contra and thought hey, the guys upstairs are protecting some more with keypads, so we used molotow to get them out of the way, i got killed upstairs aswell.. But Arre and the others got the contra in the end

Your reason was money from the beginning. You searched the first floor and found contra then you thought: hey, maybe that there is also some contra upstairs. You molotoved everything and then you left and at the second raid you came again for the money and loaded the tides truck with all the contra and weed.
No it was not about the money..... We said we could work together to take control of the town and make a deal of how much we got, we tried to go for 50-50 but the don refused and theatened us to life, if he didn't get more than 50%

4. And still you keep saying that we could flee whenever we wanted and again: why kept you killing us (even if we were unarmed)?
Yes you could, we only had you at gun point but didn't shoot. You keep getting stuck on this very simple issue.

This is the last reaction of me, because you keep saying the same stuff over and over again.
Because you are getting stuck on this topic that this was about money and just a random raid. You are the one getting stuck on the same frikkin thing!

(03-25-2012, 08:45 PM)Yurera Wrote:
(03-25-2012, 03:35 PM)Jesse James Wrote:
(03-25-2012, 12:27 PM)Yurera Wrote:
(03-25-2012, 10:35 AM)Jesse James Wrote:
(03-25-2012, 02:28 AM)Yurera Wrote:

1. The Don was not that good. The family was not that close with the each other and you know: you can't demote the Don.
Why don't you go unemp then, or try to shape the corleone and help the don

2. I'm not trying to push you of this topic (what would the reason be?). It would be great to also have some screens from you, but I haven't see you outside, downstairs or upstairs. The cars that were infront of the door were the tides truck of Arre, a BMW and a white racecar (don't kno......

1. You don't switch jobs if you don't like the leader of your profession.
You can, but you wouldn't ignore you father, would you?

2. Well, that's possible, because I've seen a BMW, but you first said you were there wit


Yeah, im getting stuck -.-.

1. I say we hadn't a close family and the Don did nothing that a Don must do (don't give reactions if we asked where we needed to build a base, didn't give orders, didn't give any a reaction at all)
You say support the family, make it close blablablabla.

If someone doesn't react and you can't demote him what do we need to do than? Maybe make a own base with a good friend (why unemploy?)???

2. Here we have an agreement I think. (I haven't seen the cars of the first raid so it can be true)

3. I say no dead threat but random raid for money.
You say dead threat and coincedentally saw the contra.

You raided 2 times, because the Don threatened one of your friends.
First I want to see proof if the dead threat was made and if it was made.
It isn't a reason to come back a second time to raid the base again.

4. I say you and your friends kept killing us at the spawn (even if we were unarmed) so we couldn't flee.
You say if we asked to leave that you would agree with that.

You shot -.-. Why could we leave if we asked, but you kept killing us at the spawn (even unarmed)? Contradiction.

So, is it now clear for you that you keep saying the same, but I invalidate it constanly? You keep saying the same without proof.

Let the admin check the log if the dead threat is real.
If it is real let him decide if the raid(s) is/are random or not.
Let him punish the guy(s) who kept killing at the spawn.

This was my REAL last reaction.

(I think you give a reaction with the same arguments without proof (I've proof; see screenshots), are just stupid or is a contradiction and of course you say that you are right and I don't react, because I'm stuck (the reason is: this whole discussion was unnecessary/just stupid and I've also a life .)

"Death is lighter than a feather, duty heavier than a mountain." Sima Qian
(03-26-2012, 11:10 AM)Jesse James Wrote:
(03-25-2012, 08:45 PM)Yurera Wrote:
(03-25-2012, 03:35 PM)Jesse James Wrote:
(03-25-2012, 12:27 PM)Yurera Wrote:
(03-25-2012, 10:35 AM)Jesse James Wrote: 1. The Don was not that good. The family was not that close with the each other and you know: you can't demote the Don.
Why don't you go unemp then, or try to shape the corleone and help the don

2. I'm not trying to push you of this topic (what would the reason be?). It would be great to also have some screens from you, but I haven't see you outside, downstairs or upstairs. The cars that were infront of the door were the tides truck of Arre, a BMW and a white racecar (don't kno......

1. You don't switch jobs if you don't like the leader of your profession.
You can, but you wouldn't ignore you father, would you?

2. Well, that's possible, because I've seen a BMW, but you first said you were there wit


Yeah, im getting stuck -.-.

1. I say we hadn't a close family and the Don did nothing that a Don must do (don't give reactions if we asked where we needed to build a base, didn't give orders, didn't give any a reaction at all)
You say support the family, make it close blablablabla.
Help the guy.... IF he was new, just help him, now you sound immature talking like that shit.

If someone doesn't react and you can't demote him what do we need to do than? Maybe make a own base with a good friend (why unemploy?)???
Unemployed is a job made so you can choose a job, Sure the salary is low, but you still got your printers, right?

2. Here we have an agreement I think. (I haven't seen the cars of the first raid so it can be true)

3. I say no dead threat but random raid for money.
You say dead threat and coincedentally saw the contra.
The admins can problaly check the logs but we use microphone for most in-game things, since it is faster. And People run away when you are typing...

You raided 2 times, because the Don threatened one of your friends.
First I want to see proof if the dead threat was made and if it was made.
It isn't a reason to come back a second time to raid the base again.
We went back to take the rest, we had one of our scouts back at the house, we were around 4-6 people at the time.

4. I say you and your friends kept killing us at the spawn (even if we were unarmed) so we couldn't flee.
You say if we asked to leave that you would agree with that.
Yes, to avoid this in the future think about not basing at your spawn, since we were afraid for our security, you couldn't be trusted at the time, when you started pulling crowbars at us...

You shot -.-. Why could we leave if we asked, but you kept killing us at the spawn (even unarmed)? Contradiction.
No, you got shot because you ran inside the spawn when we had you at gun piont, Which brings us to the rule about Fear RP... And also you couldn't be trusted, after the crowbar insident..

So, is it now clear for you that you keep saying the same, but I invalidate it constanly? You keep saying the same without proof.
If i knew it would come to this i would have taken some images and checked the console and taken some images from there aswell. You just hang up on the same thing over and over, and i have to explain it to you everytime...

Let the admin check the log if the dead threat is real.
If it is real let him decide if the raid(s) is/are random or not.
Let him punish the guy(s) who kept killing at the spawn.
Doubt they will find any text about it, since we use microphone, since people run away when typing.

This was my REAL last reaction.

(I think you give a reaction with the same arguments without proof (I've proof; see screenshots), are just stupid or is a contradiction and of course you say that you are right and I don't react, because I'm stuck (the reason is: this whole discussion was unnecessary/just stupid and I've also a life .)
You know, people have mis understood that part about having a life, you are a live aren't you? I am alive? Everybody is F****N alive...... I go to school, but i have to defend myself and the others from minges that cry because they got raided, and accuse the raiders of random raiding....................

This needs to be put to rest. First of all just because its not in the rules doesn't mean we wont tell you not to do it. Dont contra in your respective spawn points. Just dont do it. If anything its powergaming since you could just kill yourself in town to get back to your contra base, dont do it. The corleone house is really meant for roleplay cituation.

For example, Blackdog made this a central meeting spot for corleones to plan a strategy.

How are we as admins going to decide if this is random or not? If you threaten someone they have the right to take action. It could have just been a threat as they saw from the whole corleone family. Seeing as corleones are a family they are sort of guilty by association in some cases. I think they have a right to wipe the whole house if even one person in them threatened them. How are they supposed to know whos contra is who without breaking meta?

Ban request denied, the pictures they show they are not even killing you btw, they are just holding guns to you. While their acts were aggressive, you shouldn't get mad when you threaten someone and they take action before you do.
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