Map in F1 Menu?
Title of Suggestion: Map in F1 Menu?

Add the Map diagram / picture to the F1 Menu.

Because with the new map rotations and old maps coming back and new players from the gamemode change there is many people who do not know locations when being called over the radio, checking on the database or mechanics, etc...  With the map embedded to the F1 menu it saves people from shift + tabbing to the forums to see location names around the map?

Its also easier to assist new players to instruct them to press F1 and goto map other than giving them instructions to shift + tab and tell them go to the forums and click the map button

I think it will be a much smoother and user-friendly

also pretty sure its a relatively easy addition that wont take up much time
Kind Regards,
Fearless Developer
[Image: edfa8a344463b04e45f386ad4525099e.png]
Also would be actually pretty nice to have one of those realtime zoomable maps that some servers use, though not sure how well they work with V5P since it has 2 layers overlapping.
[Image: 8TTYBHM.png]
[Image: WbmV7IO.mp4]
(01-02-2020, 01:45 PM)TheSiphon Wrote: +support
Also would be actually pretty nice to have one of those realtime zoomable maps that some servers use, though not sure how well they work with V5P since it has 2 layers overlapping.

Would be amazing - though... Im not sure either how complex it would be to have that implemented
Should’ve been done ages ago.

(01-02-2020, 03:34 PM)Falc Wrote: Should’ve been done ages ago.


literally took the words out my mouth, hit the nail on the head

+Support, if you ofcourse cant see players locations, would be easy to find callouts these days
[Image: giphy.gif]

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