[Unofficial] Ministry of Peace
"Interesting" he states to himself, almost a whisper his speech trailing off like the echo of a gunshot. "Well, well, well, seems we proved a little too inspirational, they say imitation is the highest form of flattery after all"

 A thin smirk spreads across his lined face, time has not been kind to this man, a face worn by duty and responsibility, the smirk spreads into a smile, as his eyes narrow, the light of the computer screen reflecting in them, mimicking the intensity of a dying star in the blue of his eyes. 

Depressing a switch on his desk, the computer's harddrive whirs into life, and a flat mechanical voice states, "voice recognition software activated, enter user credentials and biometrics"

"Eisenhorn, Gregor, formerly known as Massani Zaeed, Secretary General of Legal Affairs, Ministry of Peace"

"Voice pattern recognised, enter biometrics"

With practised motion and tired ease, he places his thumb on the print reader, as the concealed scanner registers his retina and iris patterns.

"Access granted", is all the machine voice states in reply. 

Scrolling through the latest data reports he barely nods in acknowledgment of the developments, almost robotically assimilating the data and deciding on a course of action, "interesting, seems like they've taken an interest" he says flatly to nobody in particular, no emotion betrayed in his voice. Methodically he rolls up his sleeves, and takes a sip from the glass of whiskey on his desk, his eyes never leaving the screen before him, he was in that place now, a place of purpose, where all the noise of the world was drowned out, as his mind raced to formulate a plan. 

"Looks like it's time to get a message out" opening cmd he enters a few words,


> set payload windows.x64/meterpreter/bind_tcp

> show options

 > setRHOST IP ***.***.*.*

> set targetarchitecture x64

> show options

"I'll leave my old friend a message on his system, that should get his attention, they'll of noticed the access by now, either way we'll of got their attention"

">For the attention of Mr Anthony Válaris, formerly known as Michael Stanson, we meet again, I apologise for the impropriety of this intrusion, but it was the quickest means to deliver a secure message to you. It seems we both have new names now, I am Gregor Eisenhorn, formerly known to you as Zaeed Massani. 

We noticed, a small spike in traffic to one of your systems, and given recent events I didn't think it could be a coincidence, you may believe the Ministry has returned, we do not know who this group is, or why they are here, they use our name, even our abbreviation, even have remarkably similar callsigns, but we know one thing, they are not affiliated with us, they are not US, we had and do not have any ill will towards your company, affiliations or agencies, this message is simply a courtesy, we are informing you our situation and position towards you has not changed, we are not your enemy, and if anything where to happen to this group using our name, we would not care. 

I trust you understand what this means, take care now, we will be watching with great interest"

Leaning back into his chair he sighs, and let's out a laugh, "never pet a burning dog they say, well someone just did, looks like today is the day the abyss stares back, I wonder if they'll like what they found down here" 

Taking a sip from his glass, he shuts down the computer, and lights a cigarette, before stepping out on the deck of the Ministry Of Peace Ship Athena, "well the sunset sure is lovely in the Philippines this time of year, I'm almost excited to see what happens now.
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[Image: PLlKgD5.png]

Ministry of Peace
“War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.”

Ministry of Peace Public Service Announcement
Today on Monday, May 27th, the Ministry of Peace deployed three fireteams to the greater Evocity area. Egressing from three UH-60 Blackhawk helicopters at “Grassy Field,” Minipax operatives quickly entered two of their new Oshkosh JLTVs and headed to the Nexus. Colonel Louis Fontaine and Second Lieutenant Matt Velazquez met with the President and were given policing powers and jurisdiction within the city and its outer sectors. Armed with FN-M4A1s, Minipax operatives were a sight to behold as they lined up accordingly inside the Nexus. While on patrol, the operatives found a hideout from the notorious “Hondai Gang” and reacted accordingly. The following radio transcript details the events that transpired after contact was made. 

Radio Transcript from General Operations 05.27.19 / 14:30 GMT

“Devil, this is Godfather, what’s your sitrep, over.”
“Godfather, this is Devil, we’ve set up a perimeter around the warehouse, over.”
“Acknowledged Devil, have Hornet 2-1 be the entry team, how copy?”
“That’s a 10-4, getting into position, over.”

“Godfather, this is Hunter 2-1, we’ve got Hornet all covered, over.”
“Acknowledged Hunter 2-1, hold your positions until they’ve breached the building.”
“Godfather, this is Devil, breaching the building now, over.”
“Acknowledged, how many insurgents, how copy?”
“Yeah *gunfire* we got around four of ‘em held up in here.”
“10-4 Devil, treat ‘em with extreme prejudice, out.”

“Hornet 2-1, this is Dagger 2-1, we’re *gunfire* on your six watching your flank.”
“Dagger 2-1, thanks for that, not sure we’ll need it, a surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.”
“Two tangos down on the top ramp, hit one of ‘em in the throat, don’t think he’ll be walkin’ out of here.”
“Two more to go Dagger, make the shots count, over.”

“Godfather, this is Hornet 2-1, we’re pinned down, need immediate assistance!”
“Hornet 2-1, Godfather, Dagger’s on your six, don’t you worry.”
“Acknowledged Godfather, found another ingress point, breaching now, over.”
“10-4 Hornet 2-1, out.”

“Devil, this is Dagger 2-1, we’re right behind you *gunfire* near the garage door.”
“Acknowledged Dagger, last two tangos peeking out of that slit at 6 o’clock, take ‘em out.”
“Two tangos down over, that’s the last of ‘em. Poor fucker’s head went clean off.”

After the firefight, four insurgents were killed while Minipax sustained minor casualties.


Operatives received the following medals for participation in today's firefight.

Combat Action Ribbon [Image: MtS28oR.jpg]
[Image: otZK8YM.png] Pvt. Joseph Pink 
[Image: otZK8YM.png] Pvt. Richard Thurman 
[Image: JkAt6E9.png] Pvt. John Hoxton
[Image: otZK8YM.png] Pvt. Steve Bords
[Image: jancKEv.png] Pfc. Peter White
[Image: jancKEv.png] Pfc. Max Smith
[Image: Hbk4M65.png] Cpl. Tony Manzella
[Image: Hbk4M65.png] Cpl. Steven Bords
[Image: bTuo1ER.png] Sgt. Pedro Pablo
 [Image: sPSN5Qd.png] 2Lt. Matt Velazquez
[Image: KFqvVQ9.png] Col. Louis Fontaine

Evocity Campaign Ribbon [Image: 12I8Z6W.jpg]
[Image: otZK8YM.png] Pvt. Joseph Pink 
[Image: otZK8YM.png] Pvt. Richard Thurman 
[Image: JkAt6E9.png] Pvt. John Hoxton
[Image: otZK8YM.png] Pvt. Steve Bords
[Image: jancKEv.png] Pfc. Peter White
[Image: jancKEv.png] Pfc. Max Smith
[Image: Hbk4M65.png] Cpl. Tony Manzella
[Image: Hbk4M65.png] Cpl. Steven Bords
[Image: bTuo1ER.png] Sgt. Pedro Pablo
 [Image: sPSN5Qd.png] 2Lt. Matt Velazquez
[Image: KFqvVQ9.png] Col. Louis Fontaine

Regards and congratulations,
  Col. Louis Fontaine
  Ministry of Peace
 “War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.”
[Image: J1zObHm.gif]
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[Image: PLlKgD5.png]

Ministry of Peace
“War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.”

Ministry of Peace Public Service Announcement
Today was a very busy day for Minipax operatives. At 18:00 GMT, the Ministry of Peace received police jurisdiction within the city and helped the police department in contraband raids and general assistance. At approximately 20:00 GMT, Minipax operatives discovered yet another hideout of the notorious "Hondai Gang," and with new Minipax combat guidelines they dealt with the insurgents accordingly. Six operatives participated in the firefight against four enemy insurgents. No Minipax casualties were documented while four "Hondai Gang" members were sent to the morgue in body bags. Soon after the incident with the "Hondai Gang," the local government adopted a dictatorial regime, banning vehicles from the city and enforcing an extremely high tax rate of 40%. For the sake of the citizenry, the Ministry of Peace warned the new regime to remove the new tax and vehicle regulations, only to be labelled as a "terrorist organization." Minipax operatives quickly armed up and left from their high-tech bunker off of Abbey Road in their JLTVs and headed straight for the Nexus. After the initial breach, multiple dictatorial police were gunned down and the Vice President was taken into Minipax custody. After the Nexus and the city were secured by the Ministry, a patrol stumbled upon the President near the villas and called for backup. After an easy capture, the regime's Strategic Response Units converged on Minipax operatives, causing a quick but violent firefight. Of the eight Minipax operatives, none were killed and the three Strategic Response Units received fatal wounds and died shortly thereafter. Finally, the Minipax operatives executed the dictator by firing squad on the orders of Colonel Louis Fontaine.

I would like to congratulate operative Pedro Pablo on his promotion to Staff Sergeant.

Operatives received the following medals for participation in today's events.

Combat Action Ribbon [Image: MtS28oR.jpg]
[Image: JkAt6E9.png] Pvt. Gary Whitehall
[Image: jancKEv.png] Pfc. Matt Dawn
[Image: htBQ355.png] Ssg. Pedro Pablo

Evocity Campaign Ribbon [Image: 12I8Z6W.jpg]
[Image: JkAt6E9.png] Pvt. Gary Whitehall
[Image: jancKEv.png] Pfc. Matt Dawn
[Image: htBQ355.png] Ssg. Pedro Pablo

Lifesaving Ribbon [Image: k8KB0yw.jpg]
[Image: KFqvVQ9.png] Col. Louis Fontaine
[Image: JkAt6E9.png] Pvt. Joseph Pink

Purple Heart Ribbon [Image: MuzgQp3.jpg]
[Image: JkAt6E9.png] Pvt. Joseph Pink
[Image: jancKEv.png] Pfc. Max Smith
[Image: Hbk4M65.png] Cpl. Steven Bords

Ministry of Peace operatives line up at attention in the Nexus lobby.
[Image: Rc90l0s.jpg]
Left to right: Col. Louis Fontaine, Cpl. Tony Manzella, Cpl. Steven Bords, Pfc. Max Smith, Pvt. Joseph Pink, Pvt. Steve Bords.

Ministry of Peace operatives celebrate their easy victory against the "Hondai Gang."
[Image: jdIfHtV.jpg]
Above, left to right: Cpl. Tony Manzella, Pvt. Steve Bords, Cpl. Steven Bords (apologies on behalf of the Ministry), Pvt. Gary Whitehall.
Below, left to right: Col. Louis Fontaine, Pvt. Joseph Pink.

Ministry of Peace operatives prepare to execute the dictator on the orders of Col. Louis Fontaine.
[Image: 4RxD4KS.jpg]

 Col. Louis Fontaine.
 Ministry of Peace
 “War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.”
[Image: J1zObHm.gif]
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[Image: xnQyily.png]

Ministry of Peace
“War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.”

Ministry of Peace Public Service Announcement
The "Hondai Gang" received an offer from the Ministry of Peace yesterday for their unconditional surrender. The "Hondai Gang" accepted this offer, giving all their assets to the Ministry of Peace and disbanding their organization. The Ministry of Peace had no casualties while the "Hondai Gang" suffered an estimated 14 in total in the prior conflicts with Minipax operatives. A well-deserved and easy win for the Ministry!

The following operatives received medals for participation in the conflict.

Hondai Gang Conflict Service Ribbon [Image: nU5YJro.jpg]
[Image: otZK8YM.png] Pvt. Joseph Pink
[Image: otZK8YM.png] Pvt. Steve Bords
[Image: otZK8YM.png] Pvt. Gary Whitehall
[Image: otZK8YM.png] Pvt. Richard Thurman
[Image: otZK8YM.png] Pvt. John Hoxton
[Image: jancKEv.png] Pfc. Matt Dawn
[Image: jancKEv.png] Pfc. Max Smith
[Image: jancKEv.png] Pfc. Peter White
[Image: Hbk4M65.png] Cpl. Tony Manzella
[Image: Hbk4M65.png] Cpl. Steven Bords
[Image: htBQ355.png] Ssg. Pedro Pablo
[Image: sPSN5Qd.png] 2Lt. Matt Velazquez
[Image: KFqvVQ9.png] Col. Louis Fontaine

Regards and congratulations,
  Col. Louis Fontaine
  Ministry of Peace 
  “War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.”
[Image: J1zObHm.gif]
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Wang Yang Gang Commends Your Bravery
Kind Regards
Fearless Donator

[Image: uT65xGc.png]
(06-01-2019, 01:40 PM)Dylann Wrote: Wang Yang Gang Commends Your Bravery

We do not need your praises as we do not recognise the 'Wang Yang Gang' as an asset to Evocity.

  2Lt. Matt Velazquez
  Ministry of Peace

NOT AN Administrator
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  • Lewwings, Falcon, Wolven, Luna, Bobby, Pollux
(06-01-2019, 10:55 PM)Panda Wrote:
(06-01-2019, 01:40 PM)Dylann Wrote: Wang Yang Gang Commends Your Bravery

We do not need your praises as we do not recognise the 'Wang Yang Gang' as an asset to Evocity.

  2Lt. Matt Velazquez
  Ministry of Peace


Lombardi family commends your bravery
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(06-01-2019, 10:55 PM)Panda Wrote:
(06-01-2019, 01:40 PM)Dylann Wrote: Wang Yang Gang Commends Your Bravery

We do not need your praises as we do not recognise the 'Wang Yang Gang' as an asset to Evocity.

  2Lt. Matt Velazquez
  Ministry of Peace


We apologize for the actions of this member, they were not approved of this message by us.
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  • Flex
**Establishing broadcast feed connection..**
**On news screens across EvoCity and social media, a picture has started to surface**

[Image: 2014-06-04_00013_zps7419b301.jpg]

Following information has been broadcasted by Shannon McKenna at national broadcast service "ENN" on the 1th of June

"[..] the photo was given to use by a man living in the outskirts of EvoCity. Mere minutes after capturing this photo the man reported that a vehicle with three masked men confronted him, unwilling to identify themselves. Using prior information we can confirm that this is indeed Jaguay Putelle II, the four deck big Battleship - constructed by Estleback Corporation back in 2014. Sighting confirms that they have stripped down most of the old parts and started to update the defense systems. Any alterations to the 16"/50 caliber Mark 7 gun has not been confirmed yet.

Experts claim that this will be able to carry troops three times the size than what the previous version could. According to MARAD the ship has requested entrance to central EvoCity, with access to dock to unload heavy-load vehicles.
  "This could only mean one thing, a storm is coming.." says Thomas Truqwick, the now ex-president of Evocity during the golden era of Estleback Corporation..


**A new mail has reached Ministry of Peace inbox**
**From: Encrypted | To: [email protected]**

Thought you fellas could freshen up on what world you have stepped into.


[spoiler=Attached Files]
[Image: 2Fz2dbU.png]
Kind Regards,
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[Image: Z19cn63.png]

Ministry of Peace
“War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.”

Colonel Fontaine leant back in his chair, the dim glow of the setting sun just visible through the blinds in his office, a half drunk glass of whiskey on his desk, a datapad in his hand receiving coded messages. The messages were encrypted using the latest Ministry cypher's, detailing new weapons developments and progression. 

Swiping his hand across the datapad, bathed in the dim blue glow, the screen flashed the Ministry logo briefly, before granting him access to the messages. 

"Fontaine, the latest test data from the FM-280 Caldera Anti Shipping Missile has arrived, we've managed to integrate the firmware allowing the FM-280's rocket engine to operate in a duel mode. The missile is currently capable of acting as either 'dancer' or 'streaker,' our current research suggests, subsonic launch, and horizon hugging behavior allows maximum survivability, as the IR signature of the missile is substantially lowered, upon entering a predetermined range of the target vessel generally defined as the range at which the enemies defense systems can detect the missile, the missiles rocket engine will accelerate in excess of mach 3.5+, initial test results demonstrate that this sudden acceleration, after a period of low observability, increases survivability by 75%. By utilizing a lesser launch speed, and horizon hugging behavior the missile is virtually indistinguishable to radar and other advanced sensors, until it is dangerously close to the enemy vessel, once detected or within detection range, the sudden acceleration and rapid speed increase closes the gap significantly, and at close range makes interception incredibly difficult. Previously high speed missiles had been easy to intercept due to their massive IR signature, and relatively predictable path, at a greater distance the speed wasn't high enough to overcome enemy defenses, as the distance closes the speed plays a greater factor in overwhelming enemy defenses. Now we have the best of both worlds in this package. Testing was completed on the MPS Hammurabi, against multiple vessel types utilized for training purposes, a full salvo of FM-280 Caldera missiles was able to penetrate even the vaunted Aegis network of a simulated US Naval Carrier Group, and cause significant structural damage to multiple vessels. We also completed first phase trials of the new turreted railguns onboard the Hammurabi, due to power concerns and to promote barrel longevity, the rate of fire is limited such that each turret will fire each barrel sequentially. It is currently capable of firing 34 rounds per minute, per turret, maximum effective range established at 62 miles, or 100km's, with velocities in excess of mach 7, current iterations of software allow targeting of low flying aircraft, with a hit probability of 94%, we are working on software upgrades to allow the targetting of missiles, currently it is demonstrated to intercept low speed munitions such as 16 inch naval shells, and render them ineffective. 
Further to this, as per your request the MPS Hammurabi is rerouting to your location as a show of force, and is making maximum speed, it should arrive within the week weather permitting."


MPS Athena - Relay report ends here.

Nodding in approval, Colonel Fontaine locked the datapad, and placed it back in his desk, the sun had set now, the only light coming from the slow burn lamps on the wall, the lighting combined with his stubble made him look older than his age, he scratched his forehead then sighed, took a long sip from the glass on his desk, undoing the cuffs on his sleeves, he glanced at his Rolex, "Major Levitt should be arriving soon," he thought, we've got much to discuss, "juventus stultorum magister" he muttered to nobody in particular.
[Image: J1zObHm.gif]
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