PR AllanFanku p1nd3r
You clearly didn't read what I put, very ironic. I was NOT under FearRP at any point, you're literally kidding yourself if you think that so let's take point 1 out straight away. When I said the elevator you knew exactly what I meant as I was talking about the shaft which an elevator moves, where I fell to my demise. No there wasn't a sitation as you told me to leave and I did, that was the one instruction I was given and it wasn't under FearRP, I complied regardless and I left the building, you never said wait for the elevator, you gave me the instruction to leave, if I was under FearRP this could be seen as a rational decision as you were a dictator and I may have felt I would have died regardless. My character is mentally handicapped, as his description says. To him this was a decision that was well planned and neither him nor myself thought the jump would kill us as I was hoping that the elevator would catch me which it did but my HP was too low to survive the fall. If you cannot see this as a misjudgement then everyone will clearly be able to see your true disdain for myself and even Allan. This was a mistake as I did not realise that the elevator was too far for my HP to take hence why I died. Me and Allan has recently been in a car collision which left us on around 30-40 HP respectively, if we had been on a 100HP we would likely have survived. Again I know this explanation will not please you but I hope an admin will understand.
[Image: c06y0Qi.png]
(07-27-2018, 07:28 PM)Chad Wrote: You clearly didn't read what I put, very ironic. I was NOT under FearRP at any point, you're literally kidding yourself if you think that so let's take point 1 out straight away. When I said the elevator you knew exactly what I meant as I was talking about the shaft which an elevator moves, where I fell to my demise. No there wasn't a sitation as you told me to leave and I did, that was the one instruction I was given and it wasn't under FearRP, I complied regardless and I left the building, you never said wait for the elevator, you gave me the instruction to leave, if I was under FearRP this could be seen as a rational decision as you were a dictator and I may have felt I would have died regardless. My character is mentally handicapped, as his description says. To him this was a decision that was well planned and neither him nor myself thought the jump would kill us as I was hoping that the elevator would catch me which it did but my HP was too low to survive the fall. If you cannot see this as a misjudgement then everyone will clearly be able to see your true disdain for myself and even Allan. This was a mistake as I did not realise that the elevator was too far for my HP to take hence why I died. Me and Allan has recently been in a car collision which left us on around 30-40 HP respectively, if we had been on a 100HP we would likely have survived. Again I know this explanation will not please you but I hope an admin will understand.

It is Fearrp, At the moment you fear for your life as you jump off the floor. With 30 - 40HP i still do not understand the reason you decided to jump off. You knew you would die when you ran off, you had 30 or 40 health, you knew you would have died. 

Now. You do not understand FearRP, it does not always mean guns, or weapons, it can also mean fearing for your life, when you chose to jump off you knew it was risky, you knew you would have died, which rule (3.5) near the middle states |You must follow FearRP by acting afraid of threatening situations|. Jumping off the floor is life threatening and you knew that. 
I didn't think I'd die though, the elevator wasn't that far down so I jumped onto it, but it was too far for my HP to handle so I died, what's so hard to understand? The thing is though, I wasn't under FearRP as the sitation was not threatening, you told me to leave, it's was literally just that and we did as you asked. I jumped as I thought the elevator would be the quickest way down off your floor as you clearly didn't want me there, despite me being brought up for a meeting. You have no idea what FearRP is or how it's even initiated, you are literally telling me I can put someone in FearRP by talking to them in the street with no weapon which I know for a fact you cannot, this is getting really repetative.
[Image: c06y0Qi.png]
(07-27-2018, 07:44 PM)Chad Wrote: I didn't think I'd die though, the elevator wasn't that far down so I jumped onto it, but it was too far for my HP to handle so I died, what's so hard to understand? The thing is though, I wasn't under FearRP as the sitation was not threatening, you told me to leave, it's was literally just that and we did as you asked. I jumped as I thought the elevator would be the quickest way down off your floor as you clearly didn't want me there, despite me being brought up for a meeting. You have no idea what FearRP is or how it's even initiated, you are literally telling me I can put someone in FearRP by talking to them in the street with no weapon which I know for a fact you cannot, this is getting really repetative.

With 30 or 40 HP i think most people will understand they may die, This situation was threatening, you put your life in danger. Jumping down is FailRP and with 500+ hour i think you should what FailRP is
You need to understand the last GMOD server I played was months ago and it was DarkRP where fall damage was like 10HP for a fall of that size. You have to forgive me if I've forgot the exact damage of a drop onto the elevator of a game mode that I haven't played in over a year, which you know. You're using my hours to try and say that I intentionally killed myself. We have not joined the CityRP Fearless Roleplay Community servers on the mod created by the man they call Garry for a prolonged period of time, I'm not a lift scientist LMAO. My intention was to land on the elevator and ride it, not die upon impact. What part of this is far too hard for you to comprehend?
[Image: c06y0Qi.png]
(07-28-2018, 12:24 PM)Chad Wrote: You need to understand the last GMOD server I played was months ago and it was DarkRP where fall damage was like 10HP for a fall of that size. You have to forgive me if I've forgot the exact damage of a drop onto the elevator of a game mode that I haven't played in over a year, which you know. You're using my hours to try and say that I intentionally killed myself. We have not joined the CityRP Fearless Roleplay Community servers on the mod created by the man they call Garry for a prolonged period of time, I'm not a lift scientist LMAO. My intention was to land on the elevator and ride it, not die upon impact. What part of this is far too hard for you to comprehend?

Still, When you jump down like that its still failRP, Your intention was to fall on the elevator and ride it? you would never of survived that with 30HP
My intention was indeed to ride the elevator to the next avaliable floor and then get inside, I didn't trust the men inside your building so I wanted to get out quickly. While they posed no threat to me nor did they ever point any weapons at me, I still didn't want to stay. The jump was a misjudgement like I've said, I expected to lose maybe 10HP at the most.
[Image: c06y0Qi.png]
(07-28-2018, 01:52 PM)Chad Wrote: My intention was indeed to ride the elevator to the next avaliable floor and then get inside, I didn't trust the men inside your building so I wanted to get out quickly. While they posed no threat to me nor did they ever point any weapons at me, I still didn't want to stay. The jump was a misjudgement like I've said, I expected to lose maybe 10HP at the most.

We asked you to leave, not jump, Jumping down the shaft is FailRP and FearRP because you risked your life in the situation when you jumped. So you decided to jump down to get off at the next avaliable floor, you could have waited but you decided to jump? yeah, no need .You had killed yourself witch is FailRP,  FailRP >| Do not do unrealistic things out of context (FailRP). This includes things such as floating bathtubs and unrealistic car colours, unless there is a RP reason |
The elevator had just gone by so I decided to jump onto it, I unfortunately died. I had an RP reason as my character was retarded which you can clearly see in my description. OOC the intention was not to die therefore I did not kill myself. You've made so many changes to your story its hard to keep up. I didn't break FearRP as there was no gun pointed at me and it wasn't FailRP as jumping onto a passing elevator isn't always going to kill, there is zero danger apart from fall damage in cityrp. Making text bold and 5x the size doesn't help at all, it makes it look very messy.
[Image: c06y0Qi.png]
Regardless of my character though, the elevator is a good way to evade any potential threats which I saw you as one, we came up for a meeting and were met by you acting very angrily and unpleasant to us when we were escorted up by SRU. So we decided to make a quick exit before things escalated as we didn't trust the dodgy men in the back of your base. You're taking a mistake and doing your best to get me punished, you need to drop the vendetta against me Flame. Let me remind you this is my first time playing CityRP in over a year.
[Image: c06y0Qi.png]

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