Player Report: Potato (x2)
Name of player: Potato

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:435935052

Time in GMT: 9:14 pm and 10:09 pm BST, 11/05/2018.

Server: v5p

Summary: Potato prop killed himself (and nearly prop killed me in the process) to avoid arrest following a car chase.

Later on, as a corrupt police officer, he committed failRP by unarresting literally everyone in return for sums of money (which would be unrealistic as a corrupt police officer needs to be discreet), and then RDMed me when I called for back-up from the Sergeant.

[Image: jrpM8xb.jpg]

Looking to contact me? You can find my Steam profile here.
Please edit the video. I am not able to watch it
(05-16-2018, 08:49 PM)Willem de Walrus Wrote: Please edit the video. I am not able to watch it

It was completing the upload and took longer than I thought for some odd reason, so I had to re-upload them.

I've edited the post with the two new links.
[Image: jrpM8xb.jpg]

Looking to contact me? You can find my Steam profile here.
Approved. Thanks for the report
[Image: 8TTYBHM.png]

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