Report:Ethan Belinsky
Name of player:Ethan Belinsky


Time in GMT: 16:04(GMT+3)


Summary: Public Shooting, kidnapping and leaving me alone after tied me up.

Evidenceuploading the video
he tased my friend for arresting him and i became armed for helping my friend to not get arrested
(10-12-2017, 01:16 PM)Ethan-Belinsky Wrote: he tased my friend for arresting him and i became armed for helping my friend to not get arrested

Violence should be your last option, you didnt even tried to negotiate, also you cannot shoot me in the middle of the public.
you tryed to arrest my friend so i tryed to help him
Video added, as I said violence should be your last option these were my last words.
please read my past commands
Whatever your reason was, Ethan, you can’t tie someone up in front of the nexus like that.

I’ll give you until I get home to add anything else you’d like to add. You have until 8pm GMT today.

[Image: zeVtdhR.png]
he tryed arresting my friend i also tranqed him and tie him so he cant pull out weapon or call back up i am not take any chance of it to happaned.
(10-12-2017, 05:38 PM)Ethan-Belinsky Wrote: he tryed arresting my friend i also tranqed him and tie him so he cant pull out weapon or call back up i am not take any chance of it to happaned.

4.1 Do not kill people randomly (RDM); only kill with a valid roleplay reason, for example protecting your property during a raid, killing when your demands are not honoured as Corleone, etc. Violence should always be the last option. 

[Image: zeVtdhR.png]

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