Report: WoodBendar
Name of player: WoodBendar


Time in GMT: 16:30 GMT+1

Server: v5p

Summary: Insulting me OOC


I’d just like to get some context on what happened that would make him react this way before making a conclusion. Could you provide some sort of summary/background of the situation?

[Image: zeVtdhR.png]
(09-06-2017, 07:48 PM)Reebs Wrote: I’d just like to get some context on what happened that would make him react this way before making a conclusion. Could you provide some sort of summary/background of the situation?

Of course, so I was Don Corleone, and this man and Qzty were scouting around the villas, I saw a rebel aiming a M4A1 behind a house so i shot him down (all this in the middle of a raid), he got mad because he died before accomplishing anything would be my guess.
Involved - Nazagruly died after being raided by police, after he respawned (you can see he respawned by looking at his NLR timer in the screenshots)he random tranq'd me and Woodbendar then pulled out a gun and RDM'd us. Woodbendar lost all of his items because of it and so asked why did he do this.

Also, even earlier context to this is Nazagruly random raiding Woodbendar earlier, so when the same person broke another rule and RDM'd him he got annoyed.
(09-06-2017, 07:58 PM)Nazagruly Wrote:
(09-06-2017, 07:48 PM)Reebs Wrote: I’d just like to get some context on what happened that would make him react this way before making a conclusion. Could you provide some sort of summary/background of the situation?

Of course, so I was Don Corleone, and this man and Qzty were scouting around the villas, I saw a rebel aiming a M4A1 behind a house so i shot him down (all this in the middle of a raid), he got mad because he died before accomplishing anything would be my guess.
"Qzty were scouting around the villas"
Im Qzty btw.
There was no raid going on as it ended ( we were not even involved in the raid ), you died to police 1 minute before as we can see with your NLR timer in the screenshot.

You did not "shoot us down" with a gun in the middle of the raid, we stood still and you tranq'd us and then pulled out an m4a1 to kill us whilst we were ragdolled. We posed 0 threat, blatant RDM.

In this screenshot there is a SWAT VAN - proving my point of you dying to police - There is also the NLR TIMER with 2 minutes on it. You broke NLR by entering the estate and RDM'd us.
I meant no disrespect I was just angry as I had lost valuable items and I did not feel that it was a valid reason to lose them. I do not normally talk like that I just lost my temper and I am sorry for any offense I caused. He states I had a gun out but it was concealed the whole time so there was no way for him to know I had a gun.
Derkaderk, thank you for your input. In regards to his random tranqing, that is a separate situation and I will kindly ask that you post a separate PR for that.

Woodbendar, under no circumstances should you do this. While I understand that you were angry, I cannot excuse this. You will be receiving a 1 hour OOC blacklist.


[Image: zeVtdhR.png]

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