Your opinion on me/ask me thangs
(05-25-2016, 01:31 AM)Toxin Wrote: Why did you shave? (I know you told me this already but I forgot Tounge)

Last time I shaved was about a month and a half ago for an important job interview at a major security firm.
But I'm growing it back again now and it's getting along nicely.

Tips for growing a beard?

Don't shave, kind of gets in the way of growing your beard.
On a more serious note, honestly there's not much you can do haha.
You just gotta be lucky enough to have dem genes I guess.

Do you photoshop your beard?

Nope, wouldn't even know how to.

Bread or beard?

Beard, duh.

Can we ERP in the Nexus Elevator?

Time & place?
(05-25-2016, 05:44 AM) Wrote: Where can I find Sherlock?

The 1800's if I'm not mistaken.
Do you know a way of time travel?
(05-25-2016, 11:01 AM) Wrote: Do you know a way of time travel?

Unfortunately no.
Hey Agorith,

I have a couple questions about all kinds of random crap, here we go....

1. What do you think about battlefield 1?
2. What education did/are you follow(ing)?
3. What do you like and hate the most of your country?
4. What kind of music do you like?
5. Have you ever had a job, if yes, What was your job?
6. What's your dream job?
7. What is your favorite internet site? (not porn)
8. Why yu heff to be mad? It's only game!
So how can I find Sherlock then?
(05-25-2016, 11:11 AM)Tekno Wrote: Hey Agorith,

I have a couple questions about all kinds of random crap, here we go....

1. What do you think about battlefield 1?
2. What education did/are you follow(ing)?
3. What do you like and hate the most of your country?
4. What kind of music do you like?
5. Have you ever had a job, if yes, What was your job?
6. What's your dream job?
7. What is your favorite internet site? (not porn)
8. Why yu heff to be mad? It's only game!

1. I haven't looked into it that much yet but from what I had seen it looks promising, pretty asf and just like an amazing game in general.
    Then again, never trust trailers bruh.
2. I've studied business in school, then afterwards back in december I finished a training to become a Security Agent.
3. I like our food & beer the most, and hate the politicians the most.
4. There's a wide variation of music I like listening to but I'd have to go with sub genres of metal if I had to pick a favorite.
5. I have had multiple jobs. From loading heavy shit into trucks to working at an auction to selling sports gear, etc.
6. Realistically? A good friend of mine is working towards opening up a cat hotel/pub all at once, I'd like to work alongside her.
    More fantasized? To be a professional streamer/youtuber. That would be awesome.
7. Uhmmmm, would have to be YouTube.

Spoiler :

Your posi is nice.
Do you like sex toys and bondage?Have you ever done sex?
(05-25-2016, 01:27 PM)Hitman Wrote: Your posi is nice.

Thank you for your kind words, I shall let her know of your thoughts on her.

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