Br on PaulB & Wolfey
I'm guessing this is the reply you want. Basically by the time I arrived on scene to this situation. Yes you had a hostage but he was around the corner and you had already opened fire. So do not complain about FailRP, because I arrived when the shooting had already started and by you shooting you broke the hostage situation.
[Image: 13043393_1153867281324272_88580030714592...e=571A3A5A]
(03-06-2015, 11:00 PM)Wolfey Wrote: I'm guessing this is the reply you want. Basically by the time I arrived on scene to this situation. Yes you had a hostage but he was around the corner and you had already opened fire. So do not complain about FailRP, because I arrived when the shooting had already started and by you shooting you broke the hostage situation.

I was the hostage. I never fired a bullet. You shot at me, and hit me, and when you saw I was hostages carried on firing at me.

I return to my prior made point.
When you see a fellow officer in the direct line of fire, you wouldn't continue firing bullets at them, you'd start to think strategically, not brute into the situation and near-kill the officer.

The failRP is in the fact you pushed forward after it was made clear there was a hostage. As a bear minimum, not that I suggest Meta gaming, read OOC chat and establish you're team killing. I mean, an officer backed off, so it should have been made clear there was more of a situation going on.
Last post from me:
- In Jono's video you can see that he has ALREADY shot us, Even though you had a hostage > HostageRP Doesn't count from then on.
- I admit that I hit you a couple of times, due to your hostage shooters going behind you and side to side.
- When Wolfley shot you, You ran straight into him, staying still to type something in OOC.
Actually, I ran past him to get out of the line of fire and he straight up sprayed across me.
Whether or not HostageRP is in effect from then on, I was a cop, you were shooting straight at a cop and you could clearly see this.Of course they would stand behind me, as in reality you shouldn't have fired on them (as they had stopped firing cause I was in front of them) because I was in front of them as a police officer.
I'll put my two cents in, as i've not really commented on the matter as of yet.
Whether whom fired first is a little irrelevant in this case, as if you were to fire, you would clearly hit, and possibly kill the hostage. That's a fact. So actually shooting at 'us', rather than perhaps retreating may have been an error. But on the other hand, I would've probably done the same as what you did. It's commonly stated that hostageRP is broken if the hostage-takers shoot, and so it'd be your call to make. Did you break a rule? I'd say it's more of a grey area, but on paper, then no. Obviously the admin would make a final verdict, but I honestly think taking this to a BR is probably a bit over the top.
TL;DR I personally think this ban request is a bit stupid, as they acted in self defence to shoot, as would many other people. In doing so, they risked the life of the hostage, however they have a right to make that judgement, as far as I am aware.
A more fitting signature. 
What Jono said.
I was there too,i witnessed it,and i think i have a video of it.
Quote:Actually, I ran past him to get out of the line of fire and he straight up sprayed across me.
Whether or not HostageRP is in effect from then on, I was a cop, you were shooting straight at a cop and you could clearly see this.Of course they would stand behind me, as in reality you shouldn't have fired on them (as they had stopped firing cause I was in front of them) because I was in front of them as a police officer.

Re-watching Jono's video. I've come across a few more points.

Quote:Of course they would stand behind me, as in reality you shouldn't have fired on them (as they had stopped firing cause I was in front of them) because I was in front of them as a police officer.
Doesn't matter, They've already fired upon us, Killed 2-3 officers. Even if they re-captured a hostage/got a new one. It still doesn't count. They've already open fired upon a officer/SRU. Even in Jono's video, You see him spraying down a SRU and a cop. 

Quote:I was there too,i witnessed it,and i think i have a video of it.
Please, Do post the video.
Alright. Lets all go back to real life here.

A terrorist takes 3 hostages in a Hotel lobby, including one Police officer.

the SWAT (SRU) are called in to defuse the situation. One terrorist runs out, fires upon officers. The officers would then form a defensive line (i.e Riot Shields) and get down to cover; not run in guns blazing.

The Terrorists then move out, with the hostage still in front, of the building. The response teams would not then begin firing on the terrorists, with the officers/hostages in front. They would begin to move around the terrorists, perhaps into a flanking position while still keeping themselves safe as well as making sure the hostages are OK.

What you did;

Hostage was taken, Rebels fired upon the cops and ran back (one dead), SRU moved in with a police officer and fired upon the Terrosits, seeing they had a hostage (As was done by an officer who's name escapes me - Will watch over footage to see if I can see his name), Carried on moving forward and firing on the Rebels with their hostage, nearly killing me.

There's the concise series of events that sums it up.
Mistaken, i don't have a video, but as i mentioned i witnessed everything. And by the way, i was the leader of the jailbreak. It was my idea.

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