Unban Request for TeaAndCrumpets
Your name: TeaAndCrumpets

Your ban ID: 3048

Why we should unban you: The reason why I was banned was apparently because I was building in public, however I must have missed the rule which does not allow this. In my own opinion I did not think the props that I had spawned were effecting any other players role-play experience.

It was merely only to express that my character was obsessed with Watermelons and wanted to spread the greatness of the fruit the population of Evocity.

If I am allowed back into the server I will assure you that I will reread the set rules, to make sure I do not break any of them in future.

Thank you for reading,

Regards, TeaAndCrumpets
You were banned for raging at me for removing your public build, which I could have banned you for.
Ok yeah, I was kind of angry because setting up the Watermelons takes time and effort. But still I shouldn't have raged at you, after all your just doing your job. So again I'm sorry, is it possible to be unbanned?

Storm, your call.
Denied, if you think 30 watermelons surrounded by a fence prop is worthy of raging at an admin over losing then you need some time off to evaluate your RP standards.

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