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Unban Request for TeaAndCrumpets - Printable Version

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Unban Request for TeaAndCrumpets - TeaAndCrumpets - 09-04-2011

Your name: TeaAndCrumpets

Your ban ID: 3048

Why we should unban you: The reason why I was banned was apparently because I was building in public, however I must have missed the rule which does not allow this. In my own opinion I did not think the props that I had spawned were effecting any other players role-play experience.

It was merely only to express that my character was obsessed with Watermelons and wanted to spread the greatness of the fruit the population of Evocity.

If I am allowed back into the server I will assure you that I will reread the set rules, to make sure I do not break any of them in future.

Thank you for reading,

Regards, TeaAndCrumpets

RE: Unban Request for TeaAndCrumpets - Strom - 09-04-2011

You were banned for raging at me for removing your public build, which I could have banned you for.

RE: Unban Request for TeaAndCrumpets - TeaAndCrumpets - 09-04-2011

Ok yeah, I was kind of angry because setting up the Watermelons takes time and effort. But still I shouldn't have raged at you, after all your just doing your job. So again I'm sorry, is it possible to be unbanned?


RE: Unban Request for TeaAndCrumpets - Killjoy - 09-05-2011

Storm, your call.

RE: Unban Request for TeaAndCrumpets - Strom - 09-05-2011

Denied, if you think 30 watermelons surrounded by a fence prop is worthy of raging at an admin over losing then you need some time off to evaluate your RP standards.