UBR - Dr Hibbert
It seems to me you had been handcuffed, regardless of if you had seen the tazer. As you had been handcuffed, you should be listening and following the orders given to you by the officer(s) near you. You shouldn't run away and expect the officer to have to point a gun at you so you will listen. 

I suggest becoming more aware of what is going on in your surroundings, as they're a major factor in the server. If you see a few men running around with guns out, you wouldn't just sit in front of them and say hello. A normal person(Which you are) will get away from them. 
Again, a lot of our users seem to have misconceptions about what FearRP is and when it is applied.

What is FearRP:

FearRP is when your character is threatened with a weapon or a tazer. When threatened by a weapon (meaning the weapon is pointed at you or is reasonably close to cause danger - such as in the same room or near you, where the person can obviously shoot within two seconds), your character is to obey the armed person. That means you can't run off "because I was scared". You obey the armed man to the fullest extent.

This was what Doomdude01 recently posted, it says nothing about being handcuffed, all it states is a weapon or a tazer. I didn't see the tazer, how was I meant to abide by Fear RP?
Involved since Dex was talking about the player report that was placed on me.
Since Dex added my name I want to put my in put in. Well you are both trying to get unbanned (Dex and Hibbert) yet I didn't get unbaned nor did my player report get denied because of this tazer bug, so I do not see why your bans shouldn't stick. It would only be fair.
Not involved just because I mentioned your name, however.
You got banned because I told you that I had the tazer pointed on you and you disregarded the rules by saying "Ooh a tazer, let's all give him a clap". And then excused this by saying you "Couldn't hear me as you were on Skype". That's why you got banned, Blurr. You were informed that a tazer was pointed on you, you knew the tazer was in my hands regardless of whether it was even pointed or not you should have abided by my commands and left the building when instructed, you didn't do so thus resulting in your suspension.
In this case, I couldn't see the tazer what so ever and there was no indication given from the player which made me inclined to believe that I wasn't under Fear RP, however for the most part I still followed what he was saying to me.
Now, get off my UBR.
Not starting a war on your UBR but it would still be unfair since you were ignoring the tazer like Crow mentioned, if any staff or Hibbert want to talk with me must inbox me, thank you.
I wasn't ignoring the tazer what so ever, if you reviewed the evidence you can barely see the tazer, I had no idea that the tazer was even there, thus meaning that I wasn't disregarding it however I was simply just un aware that it was there, due to the fact that I wasn't looking down at that area when I was talking to the SRU and that was the only time that I saw him. If I may actually bring up part of your UBR Fultz said : "In the video he made it clear that he had a tazer, yet you still refused. So you not seeing it is not a valid reason to do so."
You got banned because I made it clear that I had the tazer, regardless of the fact that it was down and also you excused breaking Fear RP by "The tazer being down". So you had actually acknowledged that the tazer was there and even if it was down you should have abided by Fear RP which Fultz mentioned in the closing notes : "You abide to fearRP even if the tazer is down. It is out and should signal you to listen to the officer. That is if it is pointing at you or in his hand in general."
So don't come here talking smack on my UBR because you're still mad that your UBR didn't get accepted, you broke the rules, and you paid the price. It was an evident Fear RP breakage, now seriously get off my UBR as you're not involved what so ever and I'll just get an admin to remove your comments.
During this none of us FBI Agents contacted each other, as the logs will show. So you assuming Hibbert was on the same wave length as me is wrong, I said what I said and he said what he said, which had nothing to do with eachother. Also if you find the fact about protesting hard to believe then please check the logs, once we got out of jail we went to the Nexus, got a few more people and started yelling etc as our protest. So that is two things that were put towards his ban that were infact invalid.
I never said it was FearRP, it's FailRP.

In real life, if you started walking away from a cop who had just hand-cuffed you, he/she would grab you. Obviously this isn't possible. You're expected to act in a roll-play way. Failure to do so is FailRP.
Yes Crow but if you're saying that Fear RP is out the equation then how is that Fail RP? I didn't walk away from the cop, I held shift and ran to the window which yes, was a resistance but this doesn't mean it's Fail RP, all it means is I broke the law by resisting police arrest and I was promptly punished for this with a 5 minute arrest. The taser is a weapon that is specifically dedicated to people who are resisting police arrest so it'd be fairly counter intuitive to introduce the taser to the game but make police resistance Fail RP right?
The tazer is a Tazer. It's used so the police don't have to use their gun every time someone is running away from them. Once they're detained, they're expected to act in a way that shows that are detained.

If you enjoy being tazed over and over until you have an arrest warrant, so be it. I enjoy to role play the situation, as this is a role play server

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