Unban Wells
I doubt you were doing anything, since I didn't see any TP commands in chat for you. Why am I not allowed to suspend an RP situation? I did it for the better of explaining what happened. Also, why are you comepletely avoiding the fact that you didn't question me? I followed FearRP up until they were about to take me away. I don't see why that is a big deal.
Also, in your "make things clear" post you just did, you make it seem like its the final statement of this thread. You only concluded the things that were against me. Why not end it in the stories from both sides of the table? With a closing statement like that, I am sure to get an unfair sentence from an admin.
Regardless of what you think of wither or not I was doing my job, that is not for you to judge. I already explained everything enough times and you admitted to breaking FearRP many times on this unban request, if you know that you broke the rules then don't make an unban requests. It is in the unban request rules.

You can not just STOP an RP situation, to me it only sounded like you wanted to avoid the situation, you also had no reason to stop it other than a small confusion of wither or not the police officer had a valid reason to arrest.

General Rule 3. Do not reconnect, suicide, change job or do anything else to avoid a roleplay situation.
Even if an admin/mod doesn't respond to your @ calls doesn't mean that you stop the whole RP sitaution.
People stop RP situations all the time. You are still avoiding how differently you acted in the random raid on my house call earlier that day. The RP situation WAS stopped. You are contradicting yourself with your previous actions. And I am playing on your servers. I can judge the way you do your job. Why can I not? In my eyes, FearRP was only broken when I wanted an admin and the rp situation was stopped for a few moments. Therefore, FearRP wasn't broken. Why is this so hard for you to understand? You are sticking to the rules of RP when its an admin situation. I don't deserve this ban on my record.
And no, I didn't want to just avoid the situation, I would've went back to it if you did your job properly and let both sides of the story come to the conversation and you clear things up, but no. You banned me for a full 24 hours for wanting an admin to do what they are supposed to do. You DID do your job poorly. Why couldn't you have just told me this on the spot? You didn't even tell me I couldn't stop the RP for a bit for an admin on the spot. You kept interrupting me and telling me I was breaking FearRP. I didn't even get a warning. You even lied on this thread, your first or second response you said you did give me a chance to speak. You NEVER did. Nor did anyone else. It was a one sided conversation that led to an unfair ban that I couldn't even explain myself on.
If im not allowed to stop the RP situation briefly for an admin to respond, why do people do it all the time? I've seen people randomly mug and the victim sits there and does nothing until the admin shows up while the offender points the gun and tells them to do what they want. Why don't those victims get the same treatment? Any response to that? I would like an admin to finish this unban request up please.
You are linking other situations with your situation, I did not lie I did give you a chacne to speak however I do admit that I was fast about the ban. Let me make things clear. FearRP is FearRP I saw no reason for you to stop the situation that time, when I teleported to you you were saying "I refuse to go to the car" when there was about 3 - 5 people pointing a weapon on you.
Perhaps I was fast to ban you, but the ban is valid considering that you broke fearRP and you admitted to it by posting this unban request.
I am linking the situations because you did a better job with them then you did with my situation. You questioned them. You did not give me a chance to speak. When you did, you were typing something. RP does not apply in admin situations. You are avoiding the fact that you were wrong. You didn't give me a chance to speak, and thats the bottom line. I couldn't explain why I wasn't going to do the RP at the time. There is a time for RP and a time for admin situations. It was an admin situation that you refused to take care of, instead you turned it on me. Being fast on the ban means you didn't give me a chance to speak. You were talking over me whenever you weren't typing the ban command on me.
You couldn't just so simply tell me that I was wrong and let me off with a warning. This was my first ever offense on FearlessRP and it was extremely unfair.
You are also avoiding the fact that people stop RP all of the time to get an admin. I only understand that if it was in the heat of the moment, like a firefight or something. But this was just people trying to drive me away from where everything actually happened. You made a big deal about something so small, and you banned me for a full day for it. I will state it once again, you poorly executed your job as a moderator.

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