I believe this was a unfair ban.
(11-12-2014, 10:13 PM)Venom Wrote: I said how it is basing multiple times. You're not allowed to do contraband or anything of the sort on the main street.

Forums are being real buggy.....!!

As I wrote a long story, I'l write short now

I've seen a few staff and players do Weed shop Rp's and like I said the following staffs it were probably that said it : Sir crow, Enzyme, Spartanjunior, Venom, Freezak, mikeythefox, Georgetheboy Confirmed with me that I was allowed to contra in the main street as long as I do my job. Ah and Infact not so long ago I saw normal players do a weed shop RP and adverted etc and there were 1-2 staff on at that time and nobody complained in OOC.
Kind Regards
Lucifer, your private demon.
You're allowed to sell weed if it's legal of course in a shop, but like contraband, you're not allowed to be growing it/producing on the main street.
(11-12-2014, 10:13 PM)Venom Wrote: I said how it is basing multiple times. You're not allowed to do contraband or anything of the sort on the main street.

I'm pretty nowhere on FL is it clarified publicly that no contra/weed is allowed under any circumstance on the main road.

If you want having contra/weed count as baseing, then it needs to be actually listed somewhere and not just what you think on the matter, as far as I the player know, I am following the rules as they are listed.
Kind Regards
Lucifer, your private demon.
What's your point in highlighting that? I said contraband or anything of the sort. That includes weed.
(11-12-2014, 10:28 PM)Venom Wrote: What's your point in highlighting that? I said contraband or anything of the sort. That includes weed.

Actually... You highlighted it... LOL K DEN. And nowhere on the forums or the rules does it say that "Weed counts as BASING"
Kind Regards
Lucifer, your private demon.
Let me remind you of base rule #7 yet again.

All buildings in the main city street and all obvious shops are reserved for passive RP. Do not base here..
(11-12-2014, 10:36 PM)Venom Wrote: Let me remind you of base rule #7 yet again.

All buildings in the main city street and all obvious shops are reserved for passive RP. Do not base here..

The forum is being so annoying... I wrote what I needed to write 3 times and it keeps showing up empty give me a minute...

How is having weed, "Basing?"

As currently as it stands in the rule sector basing, basing is as it sounds, building a base to house your contraband for the sole purpose of defending it.
Kind Regards
Lucifer, your private demon.
I won't be posting for 4-5 hours. Have something to attend to.
(11-12-2014, 10:44 PM)Venom Wrote: I won't be posting for 4-5 hours. Have something to attend to.

Take your time, ban ended anyway, I just feel like the ban should be removed as it looks like a misunderstanding.
Kind Regards
Lucifer, your private demon.
If I may interject here as a witness. As I ran into your shop and actually noticed the weed. At the time there was no RP just the empty Bank of America with about 12 weed pots. And you came in after we were there and then started collecting the weed. As to be honest I thought it was unattended and thought to myself jackpot. Then you admitted it was yours and collected it. With nothing else in the building. No RP going on at that point. You still had the doors. One of which was locked. So henceforth you had contra in the Main Street which is reserved for RP purposes according to the rules.
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