Ban request on Binkystum and Ouass
Name of player: Binkystum , Ouass

SteamID: Binkystum: STEAM_0:0:59578528
Ouass: STEAM_0:0:96821074

Time in GMT: 10:15 , the 18th of October

[b]SERVER[Image: arrow-10x10.png] V2D[/b]

Summary: Me and my friend Moxew was going to set up some contras when these two minges showed up, first they killed and raided another guy we don't actually know the name of. Then those guys came outside our door and Binkystum pulled out a shotgun and blew our door down, Binkstum and Ouass ran in with and M4A1 and shotgun and killed Moxew and i lived and then they destroyed the contra.

Evidence: This video is in swedish so sorry but you can probably see what happened. So this was some seconds after they raided but you can still see what they did after they killed Moxew. I had to start Fraps and so on but here it is. (Its still being uploaded 11:15AM, may not be viewable right now)
Video is private; last change to fix it.

Deadline: Sunday, 26.10.2014 - 3PM GMT +1
I would like to see the vid aswell
Should be fixed now.

Street crime rules:
Just because you are a criminal you can not RDM, random raid or break other rules.

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