[Unofficial] [Semi-Pas] The Reliquum Government
The Reliquum Government

[Image: Jb3HC7b.jpg]
I'm currently working on a better logo, but I think this is pretty good for the time being.

Our History
Long ago, There were 2 Kings, ruling over 2 adjacent kingdoms... One of them watched over Yotnos and the second Wotnos. Yotnos, was a land where there was plenty of food all over the kingdom. The kingdom was fillled with wisdom and glory. Unfortunately, that was the opposite in Wotnos. Even before Yotnos had ever existed, the land was cursed by an evil god. The people were to die of starvation, the soil could not grow any crops and the king was corrupt. One day something terrible happened... A bright young adult, found the frontier between Yotnos and Wotnos. As he saw the peace in the Kingdom, he was filled with rage and so much evil, that he started a rebellion. Soon an army of a million were at the border ready to strike, when a pink fog covered the battlefield. When it lifted, no-one was there, apart from the skeleton horses the Wotnos had brought for the war. The Yotnos think of it as a blessing from the gods as it saved them from th eslaughter, but the Wotnos think of it as a curse, for not letting them have there freedom and food. For unexplained reasons, the people of both kingdoms found themselves in EvoCity not remembering anything, apart from the name of their tribe and the fact that they were enemies.

[Image: ztJceyN.jpg]
On the left is Yotnos and right Wotnos. This Picture is false, as they weren't fighting before the fog arrived.

To stop a carnage in EvoCity, the pink fog had altered their minds to make them think that the only way of fighting and showing the others your superiority, was through street racing. But, it wasn't long until the corrupted king found out about the new weapons in EvoCity. Both sides got weapons, just for self defence. One day, 3 bright adults formed a government that they called Reliquum, as it means what is left and symbolises their culture, that they knew was real. It was only a matter of time until the Wotnos started a rebellion against this new government. They decided to cut them apart.
The Yotnos, have more of a democracy. They all have freedom of speech and help each other improve their community. The Wotnos have more of a Dictatorship, or you could think of it as a 'Modern Monarchy'. They obey to the oders of a supreme 'Lord' that takes the 'throne' by force. The Wotnos are Rebels, trying to overthrow the Yotnos' peaceful government.

The Yotnos

"It's incredible how we really can't get along... A simple chat can turn into a massive slaughter. There are deaths everyday and I can't take it anymore. Our family can't afford a good car and can't survive the Libertas Wars. My children need money to survive and buy ratons.We called them this as we fight for our freedom, during these races. But then again, it's like the people against us are trying to get us killed! Their driving is extrememly dangerous and every wrong turn we make ends up in a fight. I await the arrival of this "PeaceMaker" as they call him, to stop the deaths that happen every day."
John Laity, 48 years old, a member of the Yotnos

The Wotnos

"Their government is power abusing! They speak of a 'democracy' and freedom of speech but all it is is nonsense! It's just a ton of arguments and fights in debates, and a bunch of people faking, trying to trick you into thinking that they care. It's all just a fake little film. All they are is power thirsty governors We just go straight to it. We obey to only one person, so it makes things much easier. In addition to this, our leader has to prove himself worty, by getting rid of the previous one. At least, we get to know whether or not he is trustworthy and strong enough to be our supreme leader. People think of me as a wise and powerful person as I do pretty well in the Tartus wars (referring to the greek myth Tartarus). I have a Lamborghini and I love driving it during this street racing."

Owen McGibber, 46 years old, Member of Wotnos

The Storyline

What makes this clan very different from others is the fact that it follows a story. There will be (eventually) different stories everyday and different styles of RP that you willl have to adapt to. I'll give you an example.

e.g: Let's say Owen McGibber gets into a fight with John Laity for politics. First off there will be arguing. Then insulting their governments. Then it'll be a fight between the two. They will start punching still yelling at each other. Then some other guy will see his friend fighting and will either try to break them up or fight with him. What they didn't know was, Owen had a pistol for self-defence! He shoots them both once. The two friends will be yelling in agony until the paramedic arrive. Then it becomes Hospital RP, so the paramedics heal him and do what they like.

The strorylines won't be as structured as this one, I'll be relying more on people's improvisation as we go.

The Government
The Wotnos

The Wotnos have a very simple government. At the top of the hierarchy we have a Dictator, who takes the throne by force. He then chooses his ccounsellors for the following: Security, Espionage, Finance, Health, Tartus Wars and Nutrition. As you have noticed, there is no Environment Counsellor. This is due to their lack of care of our planet and to counter the Yotnos' campaign- Help Earth.
All members of the Wotnos must be either Mafia, rebels, or rebellious citizen. There can be Chefs, paramedics, doctors, Gun dealers, BMds etc. but absolutely NO-ONE works for the government.


[Image: 4PCOOia.jpg]

Plastic Earth:Why spend money trying to stop litter? Raise money to prove that the earth can regenerate itself, and throwing plastic helps it do so.

Their Schedule/align]

Their weekly meetings happen Friday and Saturday at 3pm GMT, if unfortunately, this is much too late for you, then please ask for feedback from another member of Wotnos. They will need help setting up RT cameras so if you have a dupe of an office with these or just have experience with them in General, then feel free to help and you shall be rewarded


The Yotnos:

The Yotnos have a much harder government to understand. This is why I have made org charts and many paragraphs to explain this:


Before we start with the schematics explaining the complex and structured system of this government, I'd like you to know the basics. First of, in order for everyone to have a job, the Government is divided into partitions. Each main division binds together into partitions. The directors of the partitions have absolute power on those divisions. All partition directors must cooperate or even the Yotnos could be plunged into civil war. This is why only the most trustworthy people in this community can have the honour to be one of these. Then, comes the main divisions, each of them being also ruled by a director. There are divisions for everyone matching your RP style. Each of these divide into even smaller divisions called subdivisions. Having a less important role in the community the more you go down the hierarchy. Each person in the subdivision has a job which will impact the future of EvoCity in general, like every other job.

e.g: Partition: Security + Espionage= Secret Services Main Division: Espionage Subdivision:YIA=> Yotnos Intelligence Agency Job: Field Agent

[Image: nHmnGGz.png]

Security Clearance Level's

Before I start explaining the different jobs that the Yotnos have, I'd like you to know that they use Security Clearance Level's. They have these for the safety, well-being and future of EvoCity. We have them in place so that people that are newly recruited don't have access to vital information about the community or the missions they are currently undergoing. The Security Clearance levels go like so, Security Clearance Level 1 - For Managerial staff - Directors+. Security Clearance Level 2 - For Senior staff - Senior staff+. Security Clearance Level 3 - Trained staff - Staff+. Security Clearance Level 4 - Junior staff - Junior staff+. Security Clearance Level 5 - Guests - Guests+. Level 1 has access to every file at every location about them. Level 2 has access to most files at most locations about Yotnos. Level 3 has access to few files at few locations about the community Level 4 has access to few files at few locations, on a need to know basis. Level 5 has access to no files at no locations, unless given authority by someone with Level 1 clearance.

Which one should I choose?


Secret Services Partition: A partition where order reigns more than any other. If you love working for the governement, serving and protecting evocity, then this is then you would probably prefer this partition.

Main Division

Director of Espionage: Like any other director, this person has absolute power on anyone working in his division. The only thing that differs from the other partitions is that it is extremely big and has an unbelievable amount of employees, giving this director even more power and responsibility than it usually has.

PREFERRED JOB (INGAME): Police Sergeant, SRU Sergeant

Director of Security: A main division that focuses on bodyguarding in addition to keeping you and your company safe wherever you go. You can choose between two subdivisions: Company Guarding and Bodyguard. The director must be a fully qualified agent, loaded with weapons and materials that could help him in his job.


Secret Services Subdivision

Y.I.A. => Yotnos Intelligence Agency: Ever dreamed of working for the government in the Secret Services? Ever wanted to spy on people and kill terrorists? This could show you what it could be like, but in a video game! Work with the President! Learn all the government's secrets! Please Note: Joining the Y.I.A. Requires a week of training with our agents.

Project Snort-Find those drug dealers: Project Snort was founded in 2008 after Arvind Bekowsky moved to EvoCity, from Australia. He was an expert drug analyst and was perfect for the job. We found that drug dealing had significantly increased over the years. At first, it was easy to burst into a house and destroy the drugs and contraband. But over the years new technologies as well as weapons were invented, making it even harder for the Project Snort teams. Most the cases we deal with end up in a shoot-out. People started making high walls for protection. Very experienced snipers managed to kill an entire team without being found. This is why we ask YOU to join project Snort. Please Note: Joining Project Snort requires a week of training.

Y.I.A jobs

Spy: Ever loved spying on your neighbours? On your relatives? Then this job must be for you! Have different jobs and spy on different people, then report them to one of our field agents to investigate. I'll give you a few examples.

e.g. Nexus Desk Secretary Spy: Find the suspicious people that come in and out of Nexus and report them to our field agents. Find the people who are likely of raiding Nexus and report them as well before anything bad can happen.

Doctor Spy: Report the people who regurlarly ask for a certain type of medicine and report them to our field agents so we can keep an eye on them.

Paramedic Spy: When healing people on crime scenes, find out what happened and tell our field agents. If you find out that people are currently being help hostage, contact the HRT directly.

WARNING! Do NOT be a rebel or Corleone spy as it would be FailRP! The Mafia and Rebellious people obviously don't work for the government!

Field Agents: The most important agents of the Y.I.A. These agents participate in investigations on crime scenes and in shoot-outs. It is a very risky job, only our most qualified agents can have the honour to be one of these.


Agents and Backup Agents: Not as important as field agents, these people only participate in shoot-outs, the backup agents participate only if needed.


Head Technician: Leader of the Technicians

REQUIRED JOB (INGAME): Policeman, Citizen

Senior Technician: A very qualified Technician

REQUIRED JOB (INGAME): Policeman, Citizen

Field Technician: Technician that operates mostly on crime scenes or on the field, tracking down fleeing people.

REQUIRED JOB (INGAME): Policeman, Citizen

Indoor Technician: Technician that operates at the "base"


Junior Technician: Technician that is currently "in training"


HRT - Hostage Rescue Team: If hostages are taken, these people get them out straight away. They must be very well armed AK+ except for the SRU that can keep their usual weapon. They require a lot of training as the job is very risky. They must be able to persuade people. If it turns out wrong, they must be able to have a clear shot on the person.

REQUIRED JOB (INGAME): Very well armed Citizen, SRU

Project Snort Jobs


Transportation Partition: Love playing as a chauffeur? Want to be a Courier when you're older? Maybe you should go for this partition!

Main Divisions

Head Courier: The leader of the Courier's. Deliver important messages to the people of EvoCity and be a postman!

REQUIRED JOB (INGAME): Chauffeur, Citizen

Head Chauffeur: The leader of the Chauffeur's. Drive people around EvoCity (especially the people of the alliance) and participate in the Libertas Wars!!!!

REQUIRED JOB (INGAME): Chauffeur, Citizen

Courier Jobs

Senior Courier: A very experienced Courier

Courier: A Courier that has graduated from Junior Courier

REQUIRED JOB (INGAME): Chauffeur, Citizen

Junior Courier: A Courier that is "in training.

REQUIRED JOB (INGAME): Chauffeur, Citizen

Chauffeur Jobs

Senior Chauffeur: A very experienced Chauffeur

REQUIRED JOB (INGAME): Chauffeur, Citizen

Chauffeur: A Chauffeur that has graduated from Junior Chauffeur

REQUIRED JOB (INGAME): Chauffeur, Citizen

Junior Chauffeur: A Chauffeur that is "in training".

The money savers save money for another person's job (requires being rich)

The rest is really straight forward. If you have any questions on this hierarchy feel free to ask me.

The Libertas or Tartus Wars

The Libertas (for Yotnos) or Tartus (for Wotnos) is a series of street racing events in which both tribes 'fight' or drive against each other. The winner gets 15k and glory for their tribe.
These events take place all day sunday. They start at 2 pm GMT time with the speed trials.The speed to pass to the next round is 100KPH.
Then at 2:30pm comes the time trials. Each members that have passed the previous challenge must do a whole loop of the city in a limited time. the last 3 people are out
Then at 3 PM GMT comes the Duels. Each person still in the fight must race against someone from the opposite tribe.
At 3:30 PM the last people left do one final race. The winner of this one wins the grand prize.


Are you interested in joining this clan? Do this application get a chance of joining the clan! Please note that old members of the Arvind Alliance can join anytime!


Spoiler: Wotnos Application
Ingame name:

Steam ID:


RP points:

Hours on the server:

What would you do to Overthrow the Yotnos?

Previous RP history:

What car do you have?

Describe yourself ingame:

Ingame Age:

Ideas for storyline:


Spoiler: Yotnos Application
Ingame name:

Steam ID:

Steam Name:


RP points:

Hours on the server:

How will you help us survive against the Wotnos?

What job will you be aiming for?

What job will you start as?

Previous RP history:

What car do you have?

Describe yourself ingame:

Ingame Age:

Ideas for storyline: (optional)

I hope you like this clan, and see you later

[color=#000000]Yours Sincerely,

Sorry, the fonts got messed up, it will be fixed
The following 5 users Like Waterloo's post:
  • Suarez, Envy, Sasquatchooo, James_Gaff, Von Tempski
Looks Nice, Good Luck

p.s Dat Sig doe
Nil Satis Nisi Optimum
The following 1 user Likes Envy's post:
  • Waterloo
Good luck with the clan, you may want to put some stuff in spoilers though to tidy it up a tad.
dis iz s0 xX_MLG_Xx mand, 69/10 soooooo goooood spooki scaaeri skelitonz <333 dis so much m8
Ingame name: Mac Nort

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:42381676

Steam Name: Maciek.Died

Age: 14 nearly 15

RP points: 0

Hours on the server: 105

How will you help us survive against the Wotnos? I'll do everything for Yotnos even if it will be for cost of my life

What job will you be aiming for? Director of Secret Service

What job will you start as? SRU in HRT

Previous RP history: Not much

What car do you have? hummer

Describe yourself ingame: -- TOP SECRET

Ingame Age: 32

Ideas for storyline: (optional)
(08-29-2014, 07:02 PM)maciek.death Wrote: Ingame name: Mac Nort

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:42381676

Steam Name: Maciek.Died

Age: 14 nearly 15

RP points: 0

Hours on the server: 105

How will you help us survive against the Wotnos? I'll do everything for Yotnos even if it will be for cost of my life

What job will you be aiming for? Director of Secret Service

What job will you start as? SRU in HRT

Previous RP history: Not much

What car do you have? hummer

Describe yourself ingame: -- TOP SECRET

Ingame Age: 32

Ideas for storyline: (optional)
As you are an old member of The Arvind Alliance, Accepted.
The following 1 user Likes Waterloo's post:
  • Sasquatchooo
Good amount of info, but I suggest you take some ideas from successful clans.
[Image: IgcIQgP.png]
The following 1 user Likes Ivan Tempski's post:
  • Waterloo
Good luck with the clan
The following 1 user Likes Greed^'s post:
  • Waterloo
Thanks for the advice guys!! I need a bit of help from an admin though, to get rid of the random (i) and stuff like that. I also need help restoring the same size in the text and changing the colors back to black
Lots of open/closed tags that aren't needed on there. I suggest fixing them. (showing up as [/color] etc.)

Good luck.

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