Rate the song above you.
4/10 - Not my style..

2/10, still don't understand how people can like stuff like that.

(08-13-2014, 07:41 PM)Jan Wrote: 2/10, still don't understand how people can like stuff like that.

Not my style..But is pretty catchy tbh.


(My current favorite song)
A more fitting signature. 


4/10 - Rap/R&B isn't really my cup of tea :3

I thought I'd stick this on here to change this up a bit :')

"praablibibsodfnin the name of the father!!! prsdfiosodufnoisd in the name of the sun!!! ewqepojdfjksagin the name of the holier spirit!!! EEEEEEIASDFBWFIASDJOAJSF of rasta parad!" The intro has to mean something :')
4/10 Reggae is not my style. Only like a few select songs within that genre.

Watch the video. Impressive as f**k.
4/10 not particularly my style of music but video is pretty impressive.

Something a bit heavier with ALL THE DOUBLE BASSES O.O
Mehh 3/10. Don't really like this "heavy" kind of music, and I kinda dislike the drum ;$
4/10 - The song sounded alright but the guy annoyed me.


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