mike3497 unban request
Your name: mike3497

Your ban ID: 42293

Banned by: [FL] Vauld

Reason: Power gaming, random arrest.

Involved: Piff the magic dragon, Smitty Werben

Why we should unban you: I would like to point out how Piff just completely removes the reason why I was searched him in the first place. Look at his ban request on me and you will see. I had probable cause. I didn't just randomly do this to some random person. I was a police officer and was near the BP and overheard Piff and Smitty talking. The whole time I was standing there, Smitty was saying along the lines of "Hey wanna buy drugs?" to Piff. He then types "/me hands Piff a bag of cocaine".(Check the logs to see what he exactly said.) I don't see how this is power gaming or random arrest? He was trying to RP selling drugs to Piff. So I RP'ed searching him and found drugs because clearly that's what he wanted me to do.
Hmm I see. I'll forward this to Smitty/Piff to see what they have to say.
(02-10-2014, 03:03 AM)Vauld Wrote: Hmm I see. I'll forward this to Smitty/Piff to see what they have to say.
Thanks. Even though I am now unbanned because it was 24 hours, I still hope that I can get this removed from my ban history because I believe it was a misunderstanding.
Any update?
No.. The players aren't responding, which leads me to believe they've posted one-sided evidence.
Vauld, I don't want to sound rude, but is this going anywhere? Will I be able to have this removed from my ban record?
Reviewed and approved.

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