Taking a break
Here is a little message to say goodbye!

I am having to take a break from FL because I feel at the moment it is taking up way to much of my time and considering I am in my final year of school and studying for exams this is a problem. I will be back but as of now I will suspend my playing for a number of reasons...
  1. It is taking up to much of my time
  2. Some of the admins (who shall remain nameless) are getting away with murder and are becoming too corrupt
  3. I need to spend more time revising
  4. There hasent been many content updates for a long time and I'm starting to get bored with what has been there along time

I hope when I come back the problems not about time and studying will have resolved themselves but until then... GOODBYE
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See you Fluffy!
[Image: KyhzLMb.png]
Credits to Rain.

Getting away with murder? O_O
Can you explain that one before you go, also goodbye and good luck.
Bye man!

Just like to add, there have been updates in the last few days....
Kind regards
Welsh Donator
(01-14-2014, 09:42 PM)underatedstar Wrote: Some of the admins (who shall remain nameless) are getting away with murder and are becoming too corrupt

If you have experienced a problem with a member of staff please collect evidence and file and abuse report, don't just make wild accusations.

Thanks all for the goodbye messages and if I were to say what some of them have done it would give away the names and yes whilst I am angry at these admins and would like to see them put in their place I did not make this post to start a war on this kind of thing.

"don't just make wild accusations."

I also do not think this remark is fair. You may not have seen admins being corrupt, doing things they should not be doing etc, that doesn't mean I haven't. And the reason I do not want to make an abuse thread is because I know it will get denied. This is what I mean about the getting away with murder thing. 99.99% of un-ban requests and abuse threads are denied. Now, im sure like 70% of that 99.99% deserve the deny. However, when someone makes a justified and legitimate complaint it is either shot down by the admin being complained about or his admin friends. I do not want to go into this now I just wanted to clear the air on that.
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So long. Best to luck to you in school.
See ya sometime!

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