Rupertchin unban request
[b]Your name: [RevX]Rupert
[b]Your ban ID: 39093
[b]Banned by: [FL:M] Verzyn

[b]Reason: Because i was in my car playing music and a police told me to stop and i ran away.

[b]Involved: I didnt get the cops name.

[b]Why we should unban you: becuase my gmod was lagging and it was hard to hear the cop for me because my sound was low

i would just like to point out my gmod was lagging so much that i couldnt tell what was going on
You contradict yourself literally within two lines.

Also, your ban reason is: Failure to follow fear RP, lying to me. (Extended by Enzyme)

Mind elaborating on that?
(10-21-2013, 08:14 PM)Doomdude1 Wrote: You contradict yourself literally within two lines.

Also, your ban reason is: Failure to follow fear RP, lying to me. (Extended by Enzyme)

Mind elaborating on that?

no i quoted that and then said i couldnt understand him because my volume was too low and i was lagging so my gmod wasnt responding
Me and Disabled Angel were police officer at the time, we attempted to stop your red Lamborghini by aiming pistols at you however you drove off thus breaking fear RP. I then teleported to you and asked why you broke this rule, you responded "I was AFK" which was a blatant lie.

I see no reason why you should be unbanned, you have 102 hours and should know to stop when someone has a gun pointed at you.
(10-21-2013, 08:37 PM)Verzyn Wrote: Me and Disabled Angel were police officer at the time, we attempted to stop your red Lamborghini by aiming pistols at you however you drove off thus breaking fear RP. I then teleported to you and asked why you broke this rule, you responded "I was AFK" which was a blatant lie.

I see no reason why you should be unbanned, you have 102 hours and should know to stop when someone has a gun pointed at you.

im sorry but i was lagging horribly and it was hard to hear you my gmod was not responding off and on im verry sorry like seriousely
You stated in your excuse that you were AFK when Verzyn teleported you, I even said in chat to get out the car just incase you couldn't hear me as you had the radio on. As soon as I did so you sped off at gunpoint.
(10-21-2013, 08:42 PM)Disabled Angel Wrote: You stated in your excuse that you were AFK when Verzyn teleported you, I even said in chat to get out the car just incase you couldn't hear me as you had the radio on. As soon as I did so you sped off at gunpoint.

I WAS NOT AWARE! seriousely and i dont think i should be banned for 3 days or 2 i mean but yea i really couldnt understand you and im really sorry truely i am and i dont get banned often!

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