More ranting at the administration
(09-17-2013, 09:23 PM)Joykill Wrote:
(09-17-2013, 08:59 PM)Narcotic Wrote: I do not know how you can judge something without even knowing half of it.
What I do know is that the system is not optimal. Been under "detailed review" for far more than a month and apparently I can't get ANY information about what is going on? The supervising administrator will not reply to my PM, so getting any information regarding the case is impossible really. I just want to know whether the case is still under review?
(09-17-2013, 09:16 PM)iLikeCats379 Wrote: To be honest if the admins weren't as strict as they are now, it would be sh*ty RP not City RP, GG to admins/moderators.

I must disagree. I think them being strict (even though not any of them are super strict at the moment) is okay, and without that the server would be... hell, really. Most people complaining about them being strict is people with a recent ban or blacklist, funnily enough.

Now shall we take a look at the section description?

[Image: a8fff92c8617756e3c7a9c581ca01774.png]
Going to be brutally honest here, there isn't much to 'know'. The reason you're being ignored is because there is no real review. Sure they can have a word with Temar, he is a reasonable and nice guy so anything they do say will be taken aboard - the fact he hasn't done any stupid shit since then is tantamount to this. Fearless' administration is not going to work the way it 'should' do, it isn't a perfect system. There will be bias, there will be mistakes and there will be injustices - simply, get over it. If governments and businesses are guilty to corruption and imperfection (making a point, not implying FL is corrupt as I full well know it isn't) then what chance in hell does a Garry's Mod community have of being 'optimal'.

At the end of the day, Soul could turn around and perm you for looking at him funny if he so wanted. It is only his desire for Fearless not to be the tyrannical and vastly unfair system a lot of other communities suffer from that we get a community that strives to be fair. (Note, there will always be 'unfair' verdicts here - but go to any DarkRP, SledBuild or deathrun and you can find 10 hour admins getting hard ons for banning guys who say they suck)

It would take a whole lot of shit for Temar to get demoted, without him Fearless would cease to function properly. I'd drop it, try and have fun 'roleplaying' and just stay on the right side of the rules. Temar won't do his shit again.

(09-17-2013, 09:23 PM)Joykill Wrote: I must disagree. I think them being strict (even though not any of them are super strict at the moment) is okay, and without that the server would be... hell, really. Most people complaining about them being strict is people with a recent ban or blacklist, funnily enough.

That's the point he was making.
(09-17-2013, 09:26 PM)Narcotic Wrote:
(09-17-2013, 09:23 PM)Joykill Wrote:
(09-17-2013, 08:59 PM)Narcotic Wrote: I do not know how you can judge something without even knowing half of it.
What I do know is that the system is not optimal. Been under "detailed review" for far more than a month and apparently I can't get ANY information about what is going on? The supervising administrator will not reply to my PM, so getting any information regarding the case is impossible really. I just want to know whether the case is still under review?
(09-17-2013, 09:16 PM)iLikeCats379 Wrote: To be honest if the admins weren't as strict as they are now, it would be sh*ty RP not City RP, GG to admins/moderators.

I must disagree. I think them being strict (even though not any of them are super strict at the moment) is okay, and without that the server would be... hell, really. Most people complaining about them being strict is people with a recent ban or blacklist, funnily enough.

Now shall we take a look at the section description?

[Image: a8fff92c8617756e3c7a9c581ca01774.png]

Shall we take a look at the most recent post in the thread, made by Killjoy?
[Image: Fef2vxD.png]
This is the his final words in another recent abuse case:
[Image: 5KnrG7C.png]
Clearly stating: "Reviewed and closed."
Please refer me to a statement that assures you a final review reply.
Right, right, here we go again.
My newest suggestion on the forums was (funnily enough) declined by Temar right after he made his first post in my abuse thread against him. He supplied NO reason or statement what so ever of why it was declined, and indeed the admin I'm going to mention in a moment said himself that the admins could just check them for you:
This ban request was denied by Aviator with the reason:
Quote:No name or steam ID presented. No evidence provided.

, while he states himself that "it takes a minute to find it", assuming I posted precise times, which I quite clearly did.

I was killed in my bus, so I had no chance to ever see who it was. When I respawned I saw my own very bus driving around like a maniac, but the driver was quickly shot by an SRU member. I'd like to know how to get any evidence in cases like this?
Its not that hard man.

While getting shot at check the scoreboard and see who gains a kill. If there is a couple of people with kills and you see that he died in your bus then go through your current suspects and see which one from the point of killing you gained a death. It works almost everytime and you do not need access to the logs which in this case was a horrible idea. And honestly if something like that happens its not the worse thing in the world to just let it go if you do not have the correct evidence. What did you lose in that death? The worst thing you lost was some fuel whenever the dude died driving your car.
(09-24-2013, 01:21 PM)Fultzy Wrote: Its not that hard man.

While getting shot at check the scoreboard and see who gains a kill. If there is a couple of people with kills and you see that he died in your bus then go through your current suspects and see which one from the point of killing you gained a death. It works almost everytime and you do not need access to the logs which in this case was a horrible idea. And honestly if something like that happens its not the worse thing in the world to just let it go if you do not have the correct evidence. What did you lose in that death? The worst thing you lost was some fuel whenever the dude died driving your car.

I don't care too much about me dieing, but rather the fact that he CDM'ed multiple people. I was playing on a full (as I remember it) server on v2p, and lotsa people got kills on their record. Saying a bunch of names would be insignificant evidence as well. Question is not that much about this specific ban request, but rather saying "Oh, no problem, we'll check the logs for ya", but well... The administration really don't, unless it is supporting evidence which is already there. Getting killed by a automatic firearm goes quickly, and I really didn't expect it to happen.
Sorry, but you provided no name, steam ID nor evidence. I don't have the time to go chasing people around for names, steam IDs and evidence. You failed to fill in a proper ban request and so it was denied. There's nothing wrong with that.

Additionally, a kill log will not prove it was RDM. A video may provide extra context before and after the rule break.
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That's basically what I see from this thread, and it's from an objective and unbiased view. None of you actually know how it is to be an actual administrator, and the standards they need to keep before punishing the said player according with the evidence. You have a few good variables ranging from the 'banned' player making an unban request and not having enough ammunition to keep a solid case.

Okay I admit some admins are more or less 'meh' than others, but you can't really afford to be picky with something that leans more towards a hobby than a job, can you? It's like the red cross hiring volunteers and then crying that they aren't doing the job according to some possibly unreasonable standards.

As a nice conclusion, most of you are ignorant pricks. And no, ignorance in this case is not bliss.
[Image: pNUrjiv.png]
Credit goes to Jamie.
I think insulting somebody wont help and wont bring us everywhere.


You clearly did not pay attention to all the posts.

Ruxandra Wrote:That's basically what I see from this thread, and it's from an objective and unbiased view.
Nobody is unbiased nor objective - and the fact you said you were "objective and unbiased" contradicts with your previous statement which is clearly biased.

Ruxandra Wrote:None of you actually know how it is to be an actual administrator, and the standards they need to keep before punishing the said player according with the evidence.
A lot of the members of the community have experienced other communities and their administrators or have been admin somewhere else but yes you are right most of us dont know how it is to be admin on fearless nor do we know the tasks and rules admins have to follow.

Ruxandra Wrote:Okay I admit some admins are more or less 'meh' than others, but you can't really afford to be picky with something that leans more towards a hobby than a job, can you?

I agree even though I think all these admin complaints are actually trying to say "Something is going wrong here"
No doubt it may seem annoying to see all these "Admins are needed!", "Admins fail!" or "Rant the Admins" threads but the authors try to express they are unhappy.
I know DoomDude1(sorry, I forgot the number) will come around and say " You are unimportant" but that is not the way to act as from my point of view every body in a community is important, everybody.

Ruxandra Wrote:It's like the red cross hiring volunteers and then crying that they aren't doing the job according to some possibly unreasonable standards.

Once volunteers are hired by the red cross they have to follow orders , rules, behavioral norms and ethical values aswell as being tolerant hence the Red Cross judges volunteers strict not as strict as employees though.

Here is what I have been taught by several communities how admins should act -
tolerant, disciplined, fair, patient, fast and active

I know nobody is perfect and I see all of the admins doing a good job ( yes it is a job, you knew what you would get if you step up to the Admin job - just because you dont get payed doesnt mean you have no obligation. I am sure you knew that)

My conclusion is :

There is no need to rant and rave at the admins , you can ask nicely if you want something to be changed, but keep in mind the SA - Team is most likely aware of a lot of problems and I think there is no need to get pissed if they wont follow your "suggestion"
Nor is it necessary to rant and rave at the members! why? Rux just said it : we do not know how it is to be admin on fearless !
and posting a lot of pictures or stating sentences just to make fun of member is not the right way, I think.
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