Unban Request: Killuminati
Your name: [FL:RP] Killuminati

Your ban ID: 37302

Banned by: Narcotic

Reason: Killing without sufficient reason.

Involved: Ebinstein

Why we should unban you: So a taxi driver tired cdm me i lost some hp he said okay sorry sorry ill leave, after that he tired cdm again so i open fire, (i hostaged president) then narcotic shows up says goodbye and banned, whit invisble checking where is the president... Thats not fair what did u do, i dont take risks if i got president as hostage
We kept an extra eye on you due to your extremely trigger-happy and aggressive behaviour. You need an actual sufficient reason to kill someone, which was proven that you didn't have several times. I warned you to calm down, but was ignored.
The ban is deserved. I don't see a reason why we should unban you, when all you do is cause constant aggressiverp.
[Image: yk9I3Jg.png]
(09-11-2013, 01:56 PM)Infernaw Wrote: We kept an extra eye on you due to your extremely trigger-happy and aggressive behaviour. You need an actual sufficient reason to kill someone, which was proven that you didn't have several times. I warned you to calm down, but was ignored.
The ban is deserved. I don't see a reason why we should unban you, when all you do is cause constant aggressiverp.

Pls dont come post here u wasnt even near when situation happened, i am making unban admin who banned me narcotic.
Watch your attitude.
I was keeping an eye on you, as you've been a bit happy on your triggerfinger. And there it was, you first disabled his vehicle, he was holding still, you waited about 5 seconds and you killed him, so that part about him attempting to CDM you is not true, as he was also half parked inside a garage a bit from you before you shot him.

Appeal denied.

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