Ban request on M.A.B
Summary:A player on the v33x server was patrolling as an SRU and disrespecting me.
Evidence: Evidence is located at the following links:

[Image: zeVtdhR.png]
I'm sorry I don't have the steam ID. However, if you need it I can get it for you.

[Image: zeVtdhR.png]
Heres what happened, as always - people dont tell the full story and only show certain moments in screenshots that supports their argument!
1. I recieved a request/ information off a shooting at the corleone area....
2. The president gave me permission to respond so i obviously went to check it out.
3. on coming out off city tunnel with a cop i had told to come with me for back up (was stood in nexus lobby)
4. i seen reebs1313 prop-pushing his police car, i told him im going to post a ban request on him, he then ran after my car so i stopped quickly, he then said he was prop pushing it off 2 types off surface (glitch on cop cars) so i said ok and drove off to corleone area.
5. reebs1313 then said thorugh OOC "M.A.B - i wont post ban request on you if you dont post on on me kapish?"
6. i replied the obvous response in asking "lol, what for - i havnt done anything haha"
7. he then PM'd me and said "i will post ban request for you for patrolling as sru and prop-block"
8. i repsonded - "im not patrolling, repsonding to gun fight and i dont have a building so how can i prop bloack"
9. he failed to reply for a while, i shot at a corleone member who was shooting at me when i pulled up
10. i made my way back to president, upon arrival he was purchasing food from chef.
11. reebs1313 started again with the PM's he had now dropped the prop-block claim and said if i post ban request he will get me banned for patrolling as SRU!
12. i didnt reply, but he continuosly sent messages, each time often claiming i had broke other rules including RDM eventhough i was witht he president the whole time!!
13. then i finally replied after getting sick and tired of my chatbox been spammed with his bullcrap. shown in the screenshot he provided...
14. i then later left the game as the president changed and i was getting rather tired....
15. I come on the website today and looks like he tried to get me banned for no reason other than not wanting me to post ban request on him forst for prop-pushing.....

Bit of advice Reebs1313, i suggest you grow up and stop lying about these things.... Thanks for your pathetic attempt to get me banned for nothing Fair enough i was dis-respectful towards you and i apolagise for that and the bad launguage, but you had made me mad in the fact you were trying to get me banned for something i knew for a fact i wasnt doing and threatning me! I kindly ask you to re-view your claims from my point of view and may be better understood.

NOTE*** I may be able to get in touch with a few witnesses, I remember the cops name that helped me go to the corleone area and will say what happened....

P.S All the replies and scripting i have said above are what was said to the best off my memory as i was not recording this session of gameplay.... however are accurate to the main concept off messages that were sent just not exact words/phrases... thanks
I did not say prop block I said disrespect.

ALSO: My car was stuck and no admin was on so pushing it with a prop was the only way to get it unstuck. I wasn't going to disconnect and reconnect to get my car. My car was also shot by a famas wielded by a citizen, who I took down single handedly.

(Pretty impressive if I do say so my self)

[Image: zeVtdhR.png]
You did say prop block as one of the many threats you made towards me sir... No matter the case of the police car, your prop pushed and then harrassed me till the point i couldnt take anymore, replied with rather rude comments and then you make screenshots.... haha youre pathetic
Stop lying. Let the admins decide what it was. I'm done having this argument over the forums.

And there's the disrespect I was talking about

[Image: zeVtdhR.png]
(09-02-2013, 01:43 PM)M.A.B Wrote: Heres what happened, as always - people dont tell the full story and only show certain moments in screenshots that supports their argument!
1. I recieved a request/ information off a shooting at the corleone area....
2. The president gave me permission to respond so i obviously went to check it out.
3. on coming out off city tunnel with a cop i had told to come with me for back up (was stood in nexus lobby)
4. i seen reebs1313 prop-pushing his police car, i told him im going to post a ban request on him, he then ran after my car so i stopped quickly, he then said he was prop pushing it off 2 types off surface (glitch on cop cars) so i said ok and drove off to corleone area.
5. reebs1313 then said thorugh OOC "M.A.B - i wont post ban request on you if you dont post on on me kapish?"
6. i replied the obvous response in asking "lol, what for - i havnt done anything haha"
7. he then PM'd me and said "i will post ban request for you for patrolling as sru and prop-block"
8. i repsonded - "im not patrolling, repsonding to gun fight and i dont have a building so how can i prop bloack"
9. he failed to reply for a while, i shot at a corleone member who was shooting at me when i pulled up
10. i made my way back to president, upon arrival he was purchasing food from chef.
11. reebs1313 started again with the PM's he had now dropped the prop-block claim and said if i post ban request he will get me banned for patrolling as SRU!
12. i didnt reply, but he continuosly sent messages, each time often claiming i had broke other rules including RDM eventhough i was witht he president the whole time!!
13. then i finally replied after getting sick and tired of my chatbox been spammed with his bullcrap. shown in the screenshot he provided...
14. i then later left the game as the president changed and i was getting rather tired....
15. I come on the website today and looks like he tried to get me banned for no reason other than not wanting me to post ban request on him forst for prop-pushing.....

Bit of advice Reebs1313, i suggest you grow up and stop lying about these things.... Thanks for your pathetic attempt to get me banned for nothing Fair enough i was dis-respectful towards you and i apolagise for that and the bad launguage, but you had made me mad in the fact you were trying to get me banned for something i knew for a fact i wasnt doing and threatning me! I kindly ask you to re-view your claims from my point of view and may be better understood.

NOTE*** I may be able to get in touch with a few witnesses, I remember the cops name that helped me go to the corleone area and will say what happened....

P.S All the replies and scripting i have said above are what was said to the best off my memory as i was not recording this session of gameplay.... however are accurate to the main concept off messages that were sent just not exact words/phrases... thanks

Also read the P.S. He had said and I qoute: "All the replies and scripting i have said above are what was said to the best off my memory as i was not recording this session of gameplay.... however are accurate to the main concept off messages that were sent just not exact words/phrases... thanks". Also, you have no evidence to support your arguement.

[Image: zeVtdhR.png]
Yeah, lets becuase all its doing is annoying me... I play an aggresive player in-game, people are aggresive in real life, thats why i roleplay it.... i "dis-respect" you becuase i know your a bloody liar!
And now hes using a seperate account just to -Support this

[Image: zeVtdhR.png]
User has been warned for this post. Reason:
I didn't know that the ban request subforum was a place for people to argue and bicker, lets act like gentlemen here.

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