Banning reasons.

All I see in ban section are complains and screens about guys not following the rules.

But have you even tryed to speak with him ?

Personnaly I saved maybe 10 people from ban because I told them what was wrong, and 85% said me "Thank you" and sometimes they asked me if something else they did was good or not. I was proud of me.

I know a lots are dumbs and must be banned, but take the risk to talk with them, loose 2min roleplaying time but don't " Go screen !, Go ban section! Yaah banned !".

I'am sure we can be "little admins" without all the stuff admins have. We can help each others. This way we help new players AND admins.
The other way we give more work to the admins and less (maybe) new good players.

As far as I'am concerned this is the good way to become a community, each one helping each other, sharing our knowledge.

Thank you.
I always try to help newcomers. BUT, Mainly they walk around with the physgun, pointing at everyone, not responding to ANYTHING you say like; When you say his name he doesnt respond, and even though you try to stop them from failing, there are always Dumb F*cks who just wont listen. I get peetty annoyed by those people.

Also, the newbies who think they know the rules and try to tell experienced players how to Rp are annoying
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You have to think when you talk to a minge, you have to know that these guys think like little children, if you tell them not to do something they will just want to do it more.

"Reverse physiology"

Plus when talking to them if you tell them not to do something as a non-admin you have to think about the "your not the boss off me" frame of mind. A minge will see you saying this to them and may probably break more rules just to show you the think there the boss.

I understand in some situations this can work, like today someone made there keypad invisible, i pointed the fact out to him and he changed it. The technique of talking to them probably works best on the small things.

- Dryblood
Why always newbies goes as Taxi driver?
Why they always ignores PMs?
Why they don't read rules from F1?
(05-31-2011, 03:00 PM)Mahti Wrote: Why always newbies goes as Taxi driver?
Why they always ignores PMs?
Why they don't read rules from F1?

To get a car
Some of them don't know what it is or they are douchbags
Either they think there are too many and only reads half of them or they are mingebags
[Image: 76561198000682117.png]
I am Murloc. Deal with it
(05-31-2011, 02:49 PM)Biowulf Wrote: I always try to help newcomers. BUT, Mainly they walk around with the physgun, pointing at everyone, not responding to ANYTHING you say like; When you say his name he doesnt respond, and even though you try to stop them from failing, there are always Dumb F*cks who just wont listen. I get peetty annoyed by those people.

Also, the newbies who think they know the rules and try to tell experienced players how to Rp are annoying

I agree I try to help them and try them to earn a bit of money like going contra farming with me.. but they are just. NOOBS thats all i can say some not but most of them go taxi driver or cop with no money whats so ever also there a pain in the ass. Angry
[Image: pIIOWIx.png]
(Thanks Dryblood for the sig <3)
Just for the sake of it I will RP a taxi driver this Week, to prove the job doesn't have to be a nooby job. Tounge
Its not a "Nooby job". It just represents new players for getting easy access to a car.

I did it too but I actually RP'd a taxi driver
I never went taxi driver when I first joined.
I went cop though :3
I have never played Cab driver. Not even once.. lol

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