Hacking unban request - t04st3dxmuff1n
Your name: t04st3dxmuff1n

Your ban ID: 30239

Banned by: [FL] Jokhah

Reason: hacking other players accounts to get their ingame items

Involved: Myself, Lukebranton777, gohome14

Why we should unban you: My ingame name is lukebranton777 I have been banned for months, today my brother (t04st3dxmuff1n) was accused of hacking. He did not hack, I did, I stole gohome14's lambo and just droped it. I dont think he should be punished for this, I deserve the perm ban. My apologies for ruining a players experence on the server.
1. Involved: Myself, Lukebranton777, gohome14 - by "myself" you must mean toast, but then you talking from luke? confused about who you are?
2. it was toasts account that was involved
3. toast made up some story about how he got the lambo
(04-21-2013, 03:09 AM)Temar Wrote: 1. Involved: Myself, Lukebranton777, gohome14 - by "myself" you must mean toast, but then you talking from luke? confused about who you are?
2. it was toasts account that was involved
3. toast made up some story about how he got the lambo

I ment to put toast typo.
I didn't even know he got the lambo until he called me about this.
I find that very hard to believe, he must of been right there, it was picked up strait away, with a delay between drop command and pick up of just 3 seconds
I never saw him, I droped it in the cub food. He wasn't there, but logs don't lie maby he was there.
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