Unban (dbkson1)
Your name: dbkson1

Your ban ID: 28078

Banned by: Jokhah

Reason: CDM and FailRP

Involved: Me and GRiim

Why we should unban you: At the time of my ban, the President's laws were that everyone was free to do anything except kill HIM. I had not participated in failrp, since I had cdmed but I was not going against President laws. If anything, the President should have been the one banned. I had stated to GRiim that I would stop, yet the ban request was posted anyway. All I ask is that you at least shorten the ban or blacklist me from cars for a short time because I truly do very much enjoy playing on this server. I have some time off at the moment and would like to enjoy playing on the server. -Thank You.

A.K.A. Ron Gordon
Ban request on him I posted: http://www.fearlessrp.net/showthread.php?tid=28679

You ran over my friend Weecow and another person or two and yelled 'No rules!' or something similar and then drove off out of the city laughing.
I waited for you to return and stood on the pathway near you when you stopped your car and as I expected, you took the bait and CDM'd me.
You should have known that the server rules apply no matter what the President's laws are.

If you really enjoy playing the server then you should have respect for other community members...
(03-26-2013, 07:14 PM)GRiiM Wrote: Ban request on him I posted: http://www.fearlessrp.net/showthread.php?tid=28679

You ran over my friend Weecow and another person or two and yelled 'No rules!' or something similar and then drove off out of the city laughing.
I waited for you to return and stood on the pathway near you when you stopped your car and as I expected, you took the bait and CDM'd me.
You should have known that the server rules apply no matter what the President's laws are.

If you really enjoy playing the server then you should have respect for other community members...

Why do you find such enjoyment in taking away someone's ability to play the game. I apologized and stated I'd stop. I was only following the President's rules. I had stated something along the lines of "No rules, the President said it." So please, stop, all I want to do is not waste time because I'm very bored at the moment. So GRiim, stop trying to make me not be able to play. I even said I will accept a blacklist from cars for a short amount of time. And even under normal circumstances of CDM, a temporary blacklist from vehicles would be given.

(03-26-2013, 07:14 PM)GRiiM Wrote: Ban request on him I posted: http://www.fearlessrp.net/showthread.php?tid=28679

You ran over my friend Weecow and another person or two and yelled 'No rules!' or something similar and then drove off out of the city laughing.
I waited for you to return and stood on the pathway near you when you stopped your car and as I expected, you took the bait and CDM'd me.
You should have known that the server rules apply no matter what the President's laws are.

If you really enjoy playing the server then you should have respect for other community members...

Also if anything you should have warned me and given me another chance, because I would not have followed the President's illegal rules anymore even if he was the President.
The server still has rules, the president cannot change the game mode's rules nor can he change the perma laws. Weather or not he said that, you decided it was okay and were banned for breaking the rules. Anything else to add before I close this request?
(03-26-2013, 08:11 PM)Jokhah Wrote: The server still has rules, the president cannot change the game mode's rules nor can he change the perma laws. Weather or not he said that, you decided it was okay and were banned for breaking the rules. Anything else to add before I close this request?

That's not failrp because it was listening to the President's laws. Look, I have seen plenty of people get cdmed and nothing happened. I was banned 3 days for cdming a single person, now can you at least shorten the ban or blacklist me from cars for a couple hours. I had said that I would stop. Why don't you let me back on and I'll prove to you that I won't do anything like this again. I had even claimed that I'd stop. So all I ask is for you to allow me to play on the server before Thursday. At least shorten the ban to a day. I can prove to you that I will no longer break the rules.
The difference between most CDMs and the CDM in the video is your CDM was intentional and your excuse was fail RP
(03-26-2013, 08:23 PM)Jokhah Wrote: The difference between most CDMs and the CDM in the video is your CDM was intentional and your excuse was fail RP

Look I had not known that the President's laws were against server rules. Just at least shorten the ban, as I have already read the server rules earlier today. I will prove that I will respect the community.
(03-26-2013, 08:25 PM)dbkson1 Wrote:
(03-26-2013, 08:23 PM)Jokhah Wrote: The difference between most CDMs and the CDM in the video is your CDM was intentional and your excuse was fail RP

Look I had not known that the President's laws were against server rules. Just at least shorten the ban, as I have already read the server rules earlier today. I will prove that I will respect the community.

It now lets me join the server but as soon as it Sends Client Info it says I've been banned from cityrp.

(03-26-2013, 09:37 PM)dbkson1 Wrote:
(03-26-2013, 08:25 PM)dbkson1 Wrote:
(03-26-2013, 08:23 PM)Jokhah Wrote: The difference between most CDMs and the CDM in the video is your CDM was intentional and your excuse was fail RP

Look I had not known that the President's laws were against server rules. Just at least shorten the ban, as I have already read the server rules earlier today. I will prove that I will respect the community.

It now lets me join the server but as soon as it Sends Client Info it says I've been banned from cityrp.

Now it lets me join the Build server I think because the gamemode is crashed, but it will not let me join the normal one.
(03-26-2013, 09:37 PM)dbkson1 Wrote:
(03-26-2013, 08:25 PM)dbkson1 Wrote:
(03-26-2013, 08:23 PM)Jokhah Wrote: The difference between most CDMs and the CDM in the video is your CDM was intentional and your excuse was fail RP

Look I had not known that the President's laws were against server rules. Just at least shorten the ban, as I have already read the server rules earlier today. I will prove that I will respect the community.

It now lets me join the server but as soon as it Sends Client Info it says I've been banned from CityRP

You are banned from all of our servers.
I am going to deny this request. Your ban was extended by me from the normal ban length due to your ban history for fail RP. I see no incentive to change my mind on this issue. Please take the off to read over the rules and guide a few times and when you return, hopefully you'll be a much better player.

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