(02-21-2013, 06:17 PM)Salinsky Wrote: Alright, talk to me. I am open for feedback, which people did I ban unrightfully according to you?

Quick edit: If in hindsight I see that I made a mistake in punishing someone, I talk to an administrator who has time to remove the error or adjust the banreason or anything similar.

thank you salinsky

i will tak to you for myself others will contact you

i belive that i was wrongly banned can you rember why you banned me?
Minging cop, not here to RP properly

i was simply rping a prison guard is this bannable says nothing on the rules if so tell me and give the extract and i will be content

[Image: fgfcrai.png]

If I helped you, please consider giving me a +Rep.

Let me cross the line by posting here just to point out that Salinsky has explained his method before (1-2 days ago even).

He takes note of the Names and Offences as he sees fit, and then bans the rule-breakers all in a minuscule period of time. It makes sence to me, to be honest.

Spoiler :
His industrialized banning system (as I call it) can in theory waste less time and run the risk of being less accurate. I call this the Small Caliber Net effect. As long is it brings considerably more gains than misses, and as long as the misses are quickly repaired by means of non-prejudicial judgment on unbanban requests, then the method is ultimately more positive than negative.

[Image: B6nW6le.png]

Image removed, Clan closed. - beflok
Admin removed, beflok closed. - rowan

I trade Tea for rep.
Alright, I'm finally back home.

In answer to your question, I have banned you because you were randomly searching places, when someone would enter a keypad code to open a door, you would follow them in. Besides that, you had constructed some sort of a "checkpoint" in the middle of the pavement; Wouldn't have been much of a problem if the checkpoint actually looked somewhat "legit" or realistic.

Now on to me banning many people in short periods of time;

I used to be a regular player going on V33X frequently, even then I had my bandicam ready to start recording because experience learned that people RP and behave within the rules when an administrator or moderator is on the server, the minute they see someone with the [FL] or [FL:M] tag join, the mingery stops and people who broke the rules get away with it unless people post banrequests.

Due to these past experiences, I've decided to join undercover if there's no other staff members on the server.
I then look at rulebreakers, without them noticing there is a moderator (me) standing mere feet away from them.

Some rulebreakers get warnings via PM, some just get a ban.

The reasoning behind this is that some rulebreakers have high amount of hours, making them, to some, seem like a "lesser" threat to the regular player's eyes. However this is not the case, there are situations where someone with for example 400 hours minges more than someone who has just joined the server.

I choose whether or not I ban them based on hours played, prior bans (if any) and the severeness of the rule-infraction.

When I am undercover in the server, I warn minor rulebreaks, such as builds with malfunctioning keypads, no keypads because they are obviously forgotten. (Yes, you can somewhat judge whether or not a keypad was forgotten to place or purposely not placed at all sometimes.)

There are a lot of influences that help me decide whether or not I should ban, blacklist or just warn.

Many people might think I'm too harsh with banning, however I personally feel I'm not. Simply because they choose to minge when they think no one is watching them, is a little disrespectful as they, in a way, try to decieve me.

The server is mingey, many people are breaking fear RP, mass CDMing, proppushing and smashing.
Suddenly one of them notices in the chat "[FL:M] Salinsky has joined the game" and he then says in OOC "Guuuuys, a moderator is joining, behave!" and by the time I fully enter the server, a lot of rulebreakers, some more severe than others, get away with it because I didn't see it. That makes me feel guilty in a way.

I run around undercover and note down rulebreak + steam ID to basically prevent ANY errors from occuring. Now I'll admit that sometimes there's an error; for example copy+ pasting the wrong Steam ID from the "status".
These errors I detect rather quickly, however barely ever in time to not ban an innocent player. I notice I banned someone falsely when it says "[FL:M] Salinsky banned PlayerX for time 1 day for reason X" as soon as the error is detected by me, almost instantly when a wrong ban goes through, I contact an administrator and ask them kindly to remove the ban.

I hope you understand the way things work a little better now.
thank you salinsky for reply and helping me to understand your methods i would like to reply with i was demoted and blacklisted for the random searching but that was the session before and the construction was a speed trap for a cop to stand in with his radio speed gun thing but i'm sot very good at building Sad

you don't need to reply to this just giving my view

[Image: fgfcrai.png]

If I helped you, please consider giving me a +Rep.

Not abuse, banning multiple people at once using the system Salinsky used is an effective practice. Even if you were falsely banned by him, that calls for an unban request, not an abuse thread.

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