Unban Request
Your name: [FL:RP] Mystic Nipple

Your ban ID: 24560

Banned by: Fultzy

Reason: Massive public building

Involved: All rebels ([FL:RP] Doctor Enzyme, [FL:RP] Ousmn, [FL:RP] Griim(not sure on his exact name) and [FL:RP] Kenji ) and lots of randoms.

Why we should unban you: Firstly I would like to express how unbelievably frustrating it is getting banned without even being given a chance to explain myself, especially seeing as I actually sent you a message with @ asking you to check the build out quickly. I was setting up a passive RP in slums where rebels had made a peaceful State of Reblopia - it was totally passive and anyone could come and go. Police could arrest rebels in the area without being ambushed and every was having fun. None of the props were frozen apart from the trash combo props and they were no collided. It was not a base at all, there was no specific restrictions to entry, all groups were welcome, there was no propblock or keypadded fading door, it was all open - I simply decorated to create a roleplay. What is the point of banning me instantly? You must know im not a total idiot who would randomly spawn props everywhere for no reason, you have given me an rp point before. I would have deleted everything if you had gone to the effort to tell me you didnt want them there. And I dont know why I get 6 days for doing something fun, passive and that lots of people got involved in, whereas someone propminging and killing a bunch of people would maybe get 3 days max. I had built the area around 10 mins before your arrival on the server, and as soon as I noticed you had joined I sent you a message asking for confirmation that it was OK but got instabanned. I dont think I have been unfair in asking to be unbanned.
Image removed, Clan closed. - beflok
Mystic has written me as involved and I will therefore add my two cents.
Basicly, when we made this, there were no admins on (as far as I know), and instead of simply contrafarming as rebels, we wanted to make a RP-ish thing out of rebels, so we decided to go to slums because that is most realistic for rebels.
Then, we wanted to give the place a "hood" ish feeling, by adding this trash and carwrecks and making it slumlike.

We were very carefull with disturbing peoples RPs with our props, and we got no real complaints about it either.
What we simply wanted was a small RP out of the rebels, mixing things up a bit, and we would have removed the props if people had any problems with it.

I am writing this because I find this to be a missunderstanding. This wasn't ment to be a contrafarm-shoot-every-cop-on-sight-rp. We were just trying to make it a bit more passive, and interesting, mixing up the enviroments.

Personally, I've learnt that you should not argue with an admins decision, but I was hoping that my friend Mystic Nipple could get unbanned, or atleast get his ban shortened, as this case was inocent of nature.

Thank you.
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator
Alright at first i joined Rebel job with Mystic,Enzyme and Kenji and we RPed in the slums and the hood really fits for our job in my opinion the ban was clearly right he public build because there was no admins in, And i suggest to him to delet the huge props because it was alittle bit blocking the road, I am sure Mystic knows the rules very well he never break any rules, He doesn't mean to block the road completely and public building, His goal only to make a passive RP not to ruin anyone's RP.

Best Regards.
I would understand this but here is what I think.

You had the whole entire slums covered in props not allowing anything to get through which is public building. I went straight to the slums because I had 3 different steam messages to go there right off the bat. So I go over and see all that crap in the road.

You see but the main reason the events happened as they did is you were apart of something almost identical in the past. You created the same type of rp that resulted in one of your past bans in the same exact area.
(02-16-2013, 03:08 AM)Fultzy Wrote: I would understand this but here is what I think.

You had the whole entire slums covered in props not allowing anything to get through which is public building. I went straight to the slums because I had 3 different steam messages to go there right off the bat. So I go over and see all that crap in the road.

You see but the main reason the events happened as they did is you were apart of something almost identical in the past. You created the same type of rp that resulted in one of your past bans in the same exact area.

I understand it was the exact area but all the bans were strictly to do with aggressive RP. I dont remember seeing one ban for the actual building, hence I didnt know it was a problem. And to be honest theres a real culture of trying to get people banned on this server so im not surprised people messaged you as soon as I try to do something a little different. Just assess how much actual damage I caused to the server, nobody died, nobody was ripped off/lost money, nobody was blocked from going to places apart from in cars which were banned under the president I built under so I dont really see why I deserve a 6 day ban. I didnt do any damage to the community and nobody would have felt hard done by if you had just teleported me to the roof and asked me to delete it and let me continue a new RP. Your a reasonable admin and im sure you can sympathize.
Image removed, Clan closed. - beflok
The guy who built it got banned. But here is what I'm going to do. I'll unban you because no harm was done. But the ban will stay on record since it was public building.

Do you agree?
(02-16-2013, 03:25 PM)Fultzy Wrote: The guy who built it got banned. But here is what I'm going to do. I'll unban you because no harm was done. But the ban will stay on record since it was public building.

Do you agree?

Yea that seems pretty fair, thanks.
Image removed, Clan closed. - beflok


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