Regarding My Substantial Inactivity.
Well, it was a good run with FL. I enjoyed my time on the server, and might visit again.
I have recently got caught up in a build server elsewhere and have not visited FL properly for a few weeks, so i might as well say goodbye. Properly.

This isn't fake. I am leaving for good, and you can note my inactivity and believe this is true. I will miss my friends here, and some i will remain with on Steam, but, the time has come for me to 'move' on, after only 4 months on the server.

This includes immediate termination from all clans and events i am in.
Modelling/Texturing Contributor
Nuka... :/ I wish you luck... If i ever returned to the server i hoped you would be one of the standard faces i see :/ I dont wanna see a bunch of newbies i dont know :O
Sad to see you leave...
Farewell, Nuka!
[Image: yk9I3Jg.png]
Goodbye man, good luck. And i'll hope you change your mind and come back!
Oh god damn it why? Why are decent people leaving? We need more of you and less minges. Anyway good luck in your future en-devours.
Goodbye, see you in a month ( ).
Oh? Please. You're a moderator. You should know posting crap like that will star a war
Modelling/Texturing Contributor
It is sad to see you leave, Nuka.

I wish you good luck accomplishing your future goals, and lots of fun, of course.

Kind regards,
Kind regards,
[Image: mxh.gif]
Rate Me.
(01-20-2013, 10:30 PM)Nuka Wrote: Oh? Please. You're a moderator. You should know posting crap like that will star a war

I'm just saying that you post one of these every month.

I will miss you a lot! Hopefully you will return. I wish you the best of luck in the future!

Too many great players are leaving, opening spots for minges.

Cya soon mate!

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