Unban Request
Name: cfeimster

ID: 15154

Banned By: [FL] Grub

Server: rp_evocity_v2d

Involved: cfeimster and wiseguy

Reason: I was minding my own business in my gun "shack," and Wiseguy came up and burned down my shack and I almost died. I got out and he shot me and killed me, twice. I told him to stop and he said I owed him "protection money." I said "I don't owe you anything," and he killed me again, for a third time. I re spawned and got a prop and hit him with it, then I was banned, for an unreasonable amount, of 34 days. I do believe I deserved the ban, but not 34 days worth, and Wiseguy is still in the server RDM'ing people. So, I believe my ban should be shortened because I only hit him with a stove, whereas he killed me 3 times, for no reason, and is free to get on. Also, this is my first ban, and it is 34 days, which seems, to me, ridiculous.
its actually 3 months, due to a bug it wont say longer than 34 days
You should know better then to slap everyone in a 50ft radius with that oven. You should of simply contacted me through @. Also with what you are explaining to me, a hint of backseat administrating.. I'll happily drop your ban to a month but, We won't tolerate the propsmashing etc. It only brings the level of sophistication the sever attempts to posses. Furthermore this also provides sufficient evidence that you didn't pay much attention to our rules..
[Image: grubsiggy.gif]
"A man must stand in the eyes of fear and march on to lead those who follow him to victory. Through these battles, a man will build himself a home, a place of refuge and happiness for those he cares about." - Grub
(10-01-2012, 03:58 PM)Grub Wrote: You should know better then to slap everyone in a 50ft radius with that oven. You should of simply contacted me through @. Also with what you are explaining to me, a hint of backseat administrating.. I'll happily drop your ban to a month but, We won't tolerate the propsmashing etc. It only brings the level of sophistication the sever attempts to posses. Furthermore this also provides sufficient evidence that you didn't pay much attention to our rules..

I honestly didn't think I was hitting anyone but Wiseguy, so I apologize for hitting anyone else. I also would like to say that FL's RP servers are the best, and it is going to suck on Gmod for 30 days without my favorite server. Even though I only played for 8 hours, it was fun. I am grateful for my ban to be dropped to a month, but it is my first ban, and everyone makes mistakes. I respect your decisions, but could you lower my ban more perhaps? This may sound like I'm asking an awful lot, but it is my first ban and just being banned and embarrassed for 1 day was enough for me to realize how wrong the prop smashing was. It also brought to my attention that I needed to read up more on the server rules, which I have. So thank you guys for an awesome server, and sorry for any grief and disruptions I have caused. I personally think that I have learned my lesson, but you guys are the admins and I respect whatever decision you make.
We asked you for money because we were extorting you (protection money) and you refused, so we threw a molotov. Then Wiseguy (thrower) ordered me to kill you. I'm very sure he didn't kill you several times but I can't be 100% positive. "and Wiseguy is still in the server RDM'ing people." We killed no one else after you as I had to leave. (Again I can't be 100% positive since I left.) This was just to make things clear since you think he did everything.
(10-02-2012, 02:21 AM)Jerry Microwave Wrote: We asked you for money because we were extorting you (protection money) and you refused, so we threw a molotov. Then Wiseguy (thrower) ordered me to kill you. I'm very sure he didn't kill you several times but I can't be 100% positive. "and Wiseguy is still in the server RDM'ing people." We killed no one else after you as I had to leave. (Again I can't be 100% positive since I left.) This was just to make things clear since you think he did everything.

He did kill me several times, and i had my brother "kjfeimster" stay in the server, and watched as he was shot and killed twice by Wiseguy. And yes, he killed me 3 times, but I didn't obey the NLP rule either in that instance, so it was my fault.
Alright, as I said I can't be 100% positive, and I thought the ban was for only 1 day? Or at-least that's what it said
Although what cfeimster did is wrong, I must back up his claim that his shop did have a random Molotov thrown at it. I can understand his frustration as he was there for a while making it.

I have it on video if anyone wants to see it.
It was not a random molotov we were extorting
(10-02-2012, 07:53 PM)Jerry Microwave Wrote: Alright, as I said I can't be 100% positive, and I thought the ban was for only 1 day? Or at-least that's what it said

I wish it was one day. Where did you hear/see this at?

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