Ban request on ☢{S}cott☢
Name of player: ☢{S}cott☢

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:53049615

Time in GMT: Roughly 5:20-5:45AM GMT (UK) time.

Server: v2d

First of all we're driving round the city and then I see a guy with a vending machine so I yell "Watch out" to everyone. They turn round but by the time they did that it was too late. Soon after doing this about 5 mins he switched to cop and RDMed everyone including Lesley Chow etc.

Basically starts RDMing everyone then prop pushing. Lesley Chow was being attacked when you see me looking at AstroCow's corpse and car and retaliates by killing him then tries getting the pres to demote him while NLR is in action as everyone else was there and they'd be protected. Needless to say it didn't work, he broke NLR. Hunted Lesley down and killed him (Hence why he said he had 20 health).

Evidence: I have a cut down video of about 10 - 20 minutes of it.
Two locations.
Around 1:46 Monster starts backseat admining which was what he was doing last night. Cant blame him though it was Minge fest I had to go pres and make some strict laws and it still didn't stop it.
(09-29-2012, 04:38 PM)Dead_pixel Wrote: Around 1:46 Monster starts backseat admining which was what he was doing last night. Cant blame him though it was Minge fest I had to go pres and make some strict laws and it still didn't stop it.

Thanks. Honestly thought it wasn't fully intentional. Everyone was around me, even the police just trying to dodge this guys prop killing, cdm, tazering. So I kept shooting till he died... Every... Time. I mainly did this as he was attack me and my friends.

So if you want to ban me for backseat adminning then fine. Please I only beg that you are not harsh with your punishment. Termin watched the video but wasn't sure of what punishment for me and he felt a more experienced admin should call it. He also understands why I did it as does Dead Pixel. I'm sorry if I angered any admins while "Backseat adminning". If we had admins that were on at the times these kids were or some schedule so an admin is ALWAYS on these may be avoided.
I'd also like to add that before we started to record we killed him and he yelled "That's it, I'm telling my fucking friend to meta game you". He also spouted out extremely racist things to me as you can see in the video. He tried to encourage a few SS to kill me as well. When everyone started to retaliate to his RDMing he switch to Police Commander and started to randomly tase and shoot people. We have witnesses and they all agree that Scott just ruined the RP.
He came back on the server and tried to arrest me for no reason. When my friend shot at him to let me go he "thought" it was me shooting and then tased and then shot me. I couldn't of done this seeing as my hands were cuffed and he knew it. He killed me for no reason like last night. I then started recording and found him to ask him why he RDMed and he killed me for no reason again. He kills me two more times for no reason and then becomes President to give me a warrant and tax whore. He doesn't state the laws for about 15 mins and just fails as a president. I'll post the video in a few minutes.

Please give him a perma ban, he revenge kills, breaks NLR, meta games, prop kills, spouts racist things. He doesn't roleplay, and he basically just breaks the rules when there are no admins on.

The video should be ready shortly
(09-29-2012, 10:59 PM)Lesley Chow Wrote: I'd also like to add that before we started to record we killed him and he yelled "That's it, I'm telling my freaking friend to meta game you". He also spouted out extremely racist things to me as you can see in the video. He tried to encourage a few SS to kill me as well. When everyone started to retaliate to his RDMing he switch to Police Commander and started to randomly tase and shoot people. We have witnesses and they all agree that Scott just ruined the RP.

I'd like to point out we killed him in RP. Not sure specifically how it started but at the point of killing him I had done nothing and was driving around and he shot my car so I got out with my mp5 already out and shot him. (He tried RDMing) and I warned him as he shot once I said "Shoot again and I will shoot back" and he shot 2-3 more bullets so I got out and shot him down with my mp5 as did Lesley.

Now I've read the rules and I'm certain that the way we acted did not break rules. He shot first and I gave a warning we then retaliated with shooting him.

After that he continually tazered, metagamed and tried CDMing but failed badly might I add. The main reason I "Back seat admin'd" was because the shots were directed at my friends LesleyChow, AstroCow and me so I don't know if that counts as backseat admin or just defending my friends and myself?

Thanks Lesley for posting a reply that just shows how much of a dick he is.

CONSPIRACY: What if Scott is actually one of the admins?
Evidence deemed sufficient, ban request approved. May I remind the recording player, not to back-seat admin.

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