[PROJECT] Fearless Serious RP Server
That would mean admins would have to be on forums a lot to accept or decline them.
Easy way around that, make certain people "Leaders" of these faction type flags.
They deal with all the applications.
Certain people as faction leaders sounds great. This way we know who's in charge and therefor responsible.
We could have it like how our clans are killjoy, but offical.
Make it like there the main factors of the server.
Like if you have ever played fallout roleplay thats what that is like.
The current plans are to have the server password protected, as a treat for good roleplayers to hopefully decrease the amount of RDM going on in semi-serious.
That would keep player counts really low, besides - passwords leak.
Then you make sure it doesn't leak and you change it if it does.
It's a project, things will definitley change as we progress. Soul managed to fix some of the mysql DLL's that were broken while I was away, we currently we're at around 60% completion with fixing TacoScript, then we bumped it up to 80 when i fixed the mysql data, and now we're just bug hunting since Soul fixed the dll's.
Good luck from keeping the password from being leaked.. and even if you did change it telling everybody the new password would be hell. Also if the person leaked the first password there is nothing stopping them from leaking the second.
If it gets leaked then until they find the person who did it then no one should be allowed in? Well expect for trustworthy people.

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