I got perm for 6 bans
Name. Maggi - da idiot

Banned by. Fl ruxandra

Ban ip. 11872

Server. All servers

No one involved

Why unban me?. I know i have done some bad stuff. But perm for that i just think is too much. I just want a chance more.

Thanks for reading my theart!

From maggi
6 bans in 19 hours, you don't see anything wrong with that?
Looks like the bans are over a long time period
so i guess he doesnt play much, and didnt care much about the ban
but now he knows it could easily be a perm
so I say 1 more chance knowing if he gets another ban it could be a perm
its not like bans where that big, he hasnt been prop killing etc
Are this denid or approved?

Hey temar you are on the right track it was for 3 months ago and at that time i didnt care. But now i really wanna play at your awsome rp server agian
see what others say, you might wana edit top post and format rux's name correctly as it wont show as her ban other wise
Temar if you ruled what would you do? Denid or approve?

(why do i got 20% warning level? Sad.)
i pretty much said approve but im not going too approve yet, as i want too se what other thing and its not my ban iver
(09-06-2012, 10:15 AM)Killjoy Wrote: 6 bans in 19 hours, you don't see anything wrong with that?
I see alot wrong with that. But i just want one more chance thats why i made this request Smile
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I know you probs wont take this into account but.. come on really? 6 bans?! Even 4 bans for whatever valid reason should be enough for a perm I defiantly say NO you don't have to take this into account..

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