Unban request,PERMA.
You just lied again after I told you to stop lying about it. Absolutely not in my eyes.

All my bans are valid and you deserved them.
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All my bans are not valid . I wish I ran fraps all the time, not to prove you wrong or win an argument ,just to clear my name.
My point is,if my requests were dealt with in time we wouldn't be having this discussion.
Please look at the severity of my bans ,I'm not a massive minge.

In fact,when I get on my computer I'll bring more evidence .
Its around 12 hours or so since you got the perm ban. Make this thread again in a few months and we will probably unban you if you can RP.
<3<3 I will never forget you grandfather 14.9.11 R.I.P<3<3

Every ban explained:
[*]Number 1 ban: RDM Attempt, 24Hour
I got mixed up here in my first post,it turns out it was actually for someone ramming my car several times and wouldn't stop so I tried to kill him. I guess fail RP as nudel points out,but I had barely played on fearless rp so a warning wouldn't of gone a miss.
[*]Number 2 ban: CDM attempt, 24hour
This ban was defiantly false, I didn't even bother making a ban request because I knew where it would go: No where due to Andrea's attitude with my liason in PM.
Someone guy started rdm'ing me with a crowbar, so naturally I tried to drive toward him as I couldn't escape.
[*]Number 3 ban: Shooting a teammate, 24hour
Hands up, my bad. No excuse allows you to do this.
[*]Number 4 ban: Fear RP, 24hour
This was failRP on Tim's and the other cops part. They rammed my car, and just drove away, I sped past them and then threatened them. They came out with guns, I drove away. Why would they shoot me for speeding and threatening in real life? They wouldn't, so why would I be scared. At the end of the thread, Soul even said the rules will be updated soon. Is this him saying that I was in the right? Or the rules are confusing? I don't know.
[*]Number 5 ban: Rdm'ing admin, 24hour
We was in the middle of a firefight, and then the next thing I got banned.
I honestly had no idea what I had done untill Mahti responded. It turned out, that I had shot him. I didn't mean to do this, I didn't know I had done this. I must of mistook him for one of the basers.
[*]Number 6 ban:Ban request, 24hours
4/5 corleones were friends, I said "Whats up N*****" in a friendly manner, but I shouldn't of done this and hence was banned.
[*]Number 7 ban: Raiding pres as GD, 24hour
I was being chased by cops from my shop as Gun dealers were illegal, I actually ended up in nexus with a whole bunch of guys in nexus with guns. I pulled out a pistol and stayed with them, they went to the labs and took out the president. Beflok saw this on a video, saw my name a job and banned me. I didn't think this was fair.
[*]Number 8 ban:Tieing cops, 6 hour
Rux banned me for tieing cops, she tp'd me to her and said why are you tieing cops?
My words were:
"There are so many reasons, here are a few:
They are fail rp'in
They are arresting my friends
They are random tasing people
They are getting in my way
They are going to get in my friends way"
(My friend being the raider at nexus,I was asked to keep the cops away to get him out safe).
Rux said Ok, and took my to the ground. I continued, she never said this is bad,you must stop. The next thing, 5 minutes later, ban.
I don't agree with this ban, I had a perfectly good reason/reasons.
[*]Number 9:Calling cops onself, 24hour
I had someone basing at my base who had contra, he had double crossed me. I wanted revenge, but killing him was just too easy and obvious, I had to make it look like I had nothing to do with me.
I called the cops, " contra at tides" I said. Temar was a cop, and the next thing I know I'm banned with no warning or speaking to me.
I don't really see how this was fail, I didn't shoot at the cops or get in their way, I was going to let them in.
[*]Number 10: Random raiding/lieing , 24 hour +week but cancelled
This guy wasn't very nice, and to cut a long story short I tried to scare him and it backfired because he came at me. I threw a molatov at him to try and burn him but it ended up taking his wall down, we didn't steal his stuff we just left it when he died. The lieing ban was revoked, I didn't lie.
[*]Number 11: NLR ,24 hour which led to PERMA
We got random raided, we waited close and as the guy went up to my friend and got in his face with a gun I open fired. Stupid I know, shouldn't of done it. My bad I guess.

So you see, I have explained these bans. Some of them I regret and shouldn't of done, and a couple I disagree with.

All I ask is for one final chance, I will start with a new attitude. I will run fraps constantly to help avoid mistakes, and be play as much passive RP as possible.
I guarantee you 100% that you won't have to ban me again, and if you do, then perma me, kick me out of the community, I will deserve it.

I hope you have been able to read all this, and really hope you allow me back into the fearless community. If you do, the only things you shall hear about me will be good.


Jacob Marshall.
Sorry, I vote no for this chance. Though I agree waiting a few months and then losing that semi-arrogant attitude to make another unban request.
[Image: pNUrjiv.png]
Credit goes to Jamie.
Rux, I would completely agree with you if my 11 bans had been solid evidence of propkilling,rdm'ing, abuse, general stuff. But some are open in the air to debate, which I why I am putting my heart and soul into asking for this opportunity. Like I say, if i step one foot out of line just get rid of me and be done with it but that won't happen.
from what I reading looks like my team says no. They seen to play with you more then I have so. I will have to go with there vote on this one mate.
[Image: tumblr_oo89kx6Wfc1vvng74o8_r1_1280.png]
It's understandable, after all the only time many admins will come into contact with me is for a bad reason as I don't host many RP events.
I'm glad that you have something positive to say, I'm sure if I was to ask StillAlive and Worldwidecoffee they would be positive to.

All I want is to prove to you all that nothing bad will ever happen again, you will never ban me ever again. What's the worst that will happen? If you end up banning me (which you won't) you just say I told you so and goodbye to me forever Smile
Well I'm with Pinkie here too.

Jacob is a good RP'er and seriously? We permanent ban guys like him when we have CDM'ing, probthrowing, insulting and abusing players all around v33x? Doesn't make any sense to me. This is blatantly wrong. You should see some of Jacobs RP and he's generally a good forum poster also. I've never seen him be rude to anybody neither.

I vouch for an unban OR 2 weeks ban. And I still count Ruxandras ban as invalid. The others I don't know any off.
(05-28-2012, 09:08 PM)StillAlive Wrote: Well I'm with Pinkie here too.

Jacob is a good RP'er and seriously? We permanent ban guys like him when we have CDM'ing, probthrowing, insulting and abusing players all around v33x? Doesn't make any sense to me. This is blatantly wrong. You should see some of Jacobs RP and he's generally a good forum poster also. I've never seen him be rude to anybody neither.

I vouch for an unban OR 2 weeks ban. And I still count Ruxandras ban as invalid. The others I don't know any off.

Thankyou for the support, you da best.

But seriously guys, like said. Let me prove you wrong, if you unban me fraps will be on 100% of the time and there will never be a need to warn/kick/ban me again.

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