Storm and I walked all the way up to the North-West airfield to find ourselves getting shot dead.
't was fan fuc­king tastic
DayZ can be a really annoying game sometimes i played it for a while this weekend with my brother and Yurera and it went like this. Night on Europe servers=Trying to connect to american servers spending like 1 hour and 30 minutes getting into a server. Get's on a server plays for 10 minutes finds map,compass and watch and gets instantly shot to death. Restart is alive for 3 minutes gets shot again. Rage quits *table flip*
Your's Sincerely
Foxy The Pirate

Bought Arma II: Combined Operations mainly for this game, downloading on steam now 11%.

Been offered to roll with Todcat'n'Grubs crew, but not sure yet!

Really want an ATV!
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Epic shot from arma today.

Securing a town from insurgents.

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Its A DayZ thread still...
Rumor has it the guy behind Day-Z (Who is an actual Dev for Bohemia) had been instructed to spend more time developing Day-Z! This could mean Bohemia is looking to turn Day-Z into an official expansion or even a standalone game,
That'd be awesome.

I strongly doubt this, but its a possibility?
[Image: source.gif]
Well there is a couple of things I dislike about Dayz..

1. You gather alot of good items, for example: Night Vision Googles, M229 and alot of other stuff. Then suddenly you get shot to death by a noob, with only a handgun. They should add kevlars to the game.

2. There is SO many bugs in the game, sometimes I end up at coast when I was supposed to end up at North - West airfield, cause I logged off there. Not only that, you loose all your items sometimes for no absolute reason when you login.

When that is said.

Dayz can be REALLY fun a night with your friends, travelling around. You can soon do anything in a group. It is very intense and realistic.

Tho, it have become ridicously popular imo.
If you get too attached to your equipment, you're going to have a bad time.

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