Need FL's help to make a commercial in Garry's Mod
I can always use more people.
Your's Sincerely
Foxy The Pirate

Just writing here in hopes that the people that have volunteerd can see this. I could really use some time suggestions as to when you all are available.
Your's Sincerely
Foxy The Pirate

Name: Equal

Hours spent on Fearless: 1309+

Do you understand basic RP?: Considering I have 2 years of experience in roleplaying along with 39 RP Points, yeah I think I qualifies.

When are you available: Not quite sure.

Do you have any knowledge of Media such as Films and Commercials (not requiered but a big plus): Nope, nada, nej, no.
If I'm online of the time of creating it, I'll be more than happy to lend a hand with anyone who disturbs / attempts to ruin it or anything else you require.
Thank you Jamie that is very kind.
Your's Sincerely
Foxy The Pirate

Name: Niimo

Hours spent on Fearless: 420 +

Do you understand basic RP?: Yes i do

When are you available: Almost everytime

Do you have any knowledge of Media such as Films and Commercials (not requiered but a big plus) A little
Alright so i have been working some on some small details with this little project. Anyway are most of you available today between 17.00-18.00 or the same time tomorrow?
Your's Sincerely
Foxy The Pirate

I'm available at that time on Friday, I think. :/
[Image: yk9I3Jg.png]
I may be able if my bro doesnt hog the PC
Not sure if you still need people for this, but i'll gladly help if it's necessary Smile

Name: Apex

Hours spent on Fearless: 395-ish

Do you understand basic RP?: Been RPing in several other games in my life, so hell yeah!

When are you available: When I don't have to study, but if you set a date i'll definitely show up!

Do you have any knowledge of Media such as Films and Commercials (not requiered but a big plus): The classes I take in school is mostly based on the society, which means I do have a somewhat media knowledge.

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