Awestruckbullet and Yonno
Username: Ghost and Zambie 

Accused Staff Member: Awestruckbullet & Yonno

Involved Users: Ghost, Zambie, Sparx, Awestruckbullet & Yonno

Time/Date/Time Zone: 27th July , 11:00 am - GMT + 1

Abuse of Power or Rule Infringement: Abuse of Power

Evidence and Explanation: - Basically, as you can clearly see both me and Zambie got caught DAing on FL. When we got took to the roof we assumed we were just going to get banned as per usual. Instead of Awestruck banning us, he decided to abuse his powers beforehand. As shown in the video, Awestruck had set my health to 1hp and takes me to the Nexus roof as he was preparing to kill me. At the end of the video of my POV (Ghost) you can see that Yonno is the one to kill (While phased) me by punching me after Awestuckbullet put me down to 1HP.
Zambie was also killed by Awestruck prior to him and Yonno killing me. Zambie’s video is corrupt however he will message someone to post the video if he fixes it/finds another video of Awestruck doing so.

Video links:

A witness to the incident admitting it was abuse:

Before you straight up deny this AA thread for me DAing for the evidence, please refresh your memory with this thread:
señor de los anillos de plata
shitposter a nivel subatómico

Imagen de firma eliminada (demasiado grande) - DVN

Messages In This Thread
Awestruckbullet and Yonno - by lordofthesilver - 08-18-2017, 05:17 PM
RE: Awestruckbullet and Yonno - by User 19014 - 08-19-2017, 10:51 AM
RE: Awestruckbullet and Yonno - by Awestruck - 08-19-2017, 12:12 PM
RE: Awestruckbullet and Yonno - by Wolven - 08-19-2017, 03:37 PM
RE: Awestruckbullet and Yonno - by Divey - 08-20-2017, 11:10 PM
RE: Awestruckbullet and Yonno - by Divey - 08-21-2017, 09:57 PM

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