[Solved]I have a complaint I want to address.

First of all thanks for posting your complaint on the forums, it's always good to discuss things like this rather then keeping it for yourself.

I was the administrator that told you I was too busy and missed your call, usually when people complain in ooc we go over @ messages again to see if we missed some of them, if we have enough staff online at that moment that is. I was the only administraor on and was busy with other calls, some of which were send even before yours.

I get that if you feel ignored after you send several @ calls you'd like to let others know about that, however you don't do that by sending 32 ooc messages (I counted them), one would have been enough, to make you feel like you weren't ignored I told you in ooc that I was too busy to handle your call, it's not something we do usually since most of the time we have enough staff available to handle every call, some take longer then others but they get dealt with eventually.

Anywhay since you took the time to write a proper complain I will come up with a proper offer and that is to still refund the contraband you lost, contact me when we are both online which is possibly tommorow.

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RE: I have a complaint I want to address. - by Jan - 08-05-2016, 01:11 AM

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