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[Solved]I have a complaint I want to address. - Printable Version

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[Solved]I have a complaint I want to address. - hellofahedgehog - 08-04-2016

I want to start this post by saying this is in NO WAY an attack on the admins. I understand they are busy and having been an admin on several forums and the like myself, I completely sympathise with the amount of calls you get.

However, today I experienced something which frustrated me enough to post here. 

I had placed contra down when not 20 seconds later, users by the name of:
"The Ponda" and "TigerPanda" along with one other (all on MY team) entered my base and pushed all of my contra out of the map. After requesting twice that I receive a refund for my contra using the @ feature as I always do with issues, I did something I have never done, I complained in OOC. I at this point didn't even care about a refund, I just wanted to switch to a cop and enjoy that RP, but couldn't because somewhere beyond the map, my contra still existed and was stopping me changing roles. I just wanted it cleaned up. Now another individual was being much ruder about his problems with an admin in OOC and got replied to twice whilst my simple request continued to be ignored.
All of this frustrated me yes, and even though being a donator does not grant me special advantages, you must see how I would be annoyed that I can't even RP how I would like to after having willingly pledged money to a server I love.
I've had to cut my night short as reconnecting hasn't solved the problem and honestly the whole thing bummed me out. 

My biggest problem here and something I see a lot is that when someone does politely voice a complaint or criticism about the staff, they're greeted with "I get loads of calls, be patient" or "I can't reply to everyone".
Once again, I've been an admin several times and this isn't really a good response. It sends a moody message to your players and makes it very uncomfortable for us to report anything to you without fear of annoying you. You become unapproachable and that is the worse thing an admin can be.

This isn't a player report or a admin attack and if this is in the wrong section then by all means move it somewhere else but I just needed to voice how disappointed I was with how this was handled and offer some advice to the staff on what you might consider to make yourselfs more approachable to your community.
I'm sorry If any of you are offended by this, it is not my intention.
thank you.

RE: I have a complaint I want to address. - Jan - 08-05-2016


First of all thanks for posting your complaint on the forums, it's always good to discuss things like this rather then keeping it for yourself.

I was the administrator that told you I was too busy and missed your call, usually when people complain in ooc we go over @ messages again to see if we missed some of them, if we have enough staff online at that moment that is. I was the only administraor on and was busy with other calls, some of which were send even before yours.

I get that if you feel ignored after you send several @ calls you'd like to let others know about that, however you don't do that by sending 32 ooc messages (I counted them), one would have been enough, to make you feel like you weren't ignored I told you in ooc that I was too busy to handle your call, it's not something we do usually since most of the time we have enough staff available to handle every call, some take longer then others but they get dealt with eventually.

Anywhay since you took the time to write a proper complain I will come up with a proper offer and that is to still refund the contraband you lost, contact me when we are both online which is possibly tommorow.