Richtea's Ban Appeal. Floodify Abusive Ban.
Yet you keep complaining saying you haven't been treated right whilst I even link you to a feature of the community which you can use considering you complained about the rule breakers.

Mingery = Intention to disturb others gameplay.

So no, technically it wouldn't be mingery if you both agreed on prop killing eachothere... but telling by your logic teamkilling must be mingery too? You broke the rules, doesn't matter if it's on black on white or in super bright colors, you broke the rules and that's what matters.. FL aim to enforce rules.. hence why I banned you. I suggest you read the rules.
Kind Regards,

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RE: Richtea's Ban Appeal. Floodify Abusive Ban. - by Floodify - 07-17-2014, 12:44 AM

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