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Richtea's Ban Appeal. Floodify Abusive Ban. - Printable Version

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Richtea's Ban Appeal. Floodify Abusive Ban. - Richtea - 07-16-2014

Richtea's Ban Appeal. Floodify Abusive Ban.
Your name: kieranhill98 - [CG] | Lionel Richtea

Your ban ID: 50965 ( i think)

Banned by: [FL] Floodify

Reason: Listed for having a shoot out with a police officer out of the way of everyone. Both of us agreed to this and stated rules of it.

Involved: Small Asian Boy - He was also banned for this.

Why we should unban you: Because we harmed nobody, agreed to it, planned it out and at the end of the day it is a game. Games are made for enjoyment, by doing this we were enjoying the game without ruining it for anyone else. I would understand if we were shooting other people in crossfire or destroying someones RP, but we weren't. I also think Floodify was abusive in the way he banned me. He spoke aggressively and is unable to listen to voice chat were a clearer explanation could have been given. He over reacted to what i said on a few occasions. As seen in the short video below.


RE: Richtea's Ban Appeal. Floodify Abusive Ban. - Floodify - 07-16-2014

Even if you agreed to this you still aren't allowed to do this. It is teamkilling, as said in the game. Clearly stated in the rules.

RE: Richtea's Ban Appeal. Floodify Abusive Ban. - Richtea - 07-16-2014

(07-16-2014, 11:26 PM)Floodify Wrote: Even if you agreed to this you still aren't allowed to do this. It is teamkilling, as said in the game. Clearly stated in the rules.

Many things that are not allowed in the rules dont require a ban from the server. You are a human, use your initiative, You must have the intelligence to base your decision on what has happened instead of being in a one dimensional world where everything is either black or white. What we did affected the server in no way at all, if no staff where online the server would have carried on the exact way, no harm would have been done.

The ban was harsh, you refused to listen to reason and you failed to use a basic human property - Common sense.

RE: Richtea's Ban Appeal. Floodify Abusive Ban. - Temar - 07-16-2014

so yer, you team killed
agreeing to it, doesnt make it acceptable, expecially since your cops
and because of your actions a 3rd cop got involved and ended up killing you
Admin do not need your permission to teleport etc
the admin did nothing wrong and your attitude made things worse

RE: Richtea's Ban Appeal. Floodify Abusive Ban. - Richtea - 07-16-2014

(07-16-2014, 11:42 PM)Temar Wrote: so yer, you team killed
agreeing to it, doesnt make it acceptable, expecially since your cops
and because of your actions a 3rd cop got involved and ended up killing you
Admin do not need your permission to teleport etc
the admin did nothing wrong and your attitude made things worse

I fail to see how attitude is relevant, also i quickly explained to the 3rd cop the situation and he quite happily let it continue, its after i thought he went that we continued and he chose to kill me knowing full well what the situation was. I know admins dont need permission to tp but for around 3 months i have been administrating a darkRP server where we had the decency to ask if a player was taking part in RP before we brought him/her.

RE: Richtea's Ban Appeal. Floodify Abusive Ban. - Floodify - 07-17-2014

Right, this is not a DarkRP server (thank god). You do not seem to understand the principal of rules, we don't just "let" people go because of an obvious rule breakage like this. We do not need permission, nor will I ever require permission to teleport people for admin situations. We operate the server to keep it balanced. What you did was witnessed by a 3rd cop so he could of thought this was okay, then told his friend and do this, and then his friend could of told his friend and so on. It's a continuous rule breakage and in the end it's your fault, because you started it. And such things shall not be let go that easily. You were banned rightfully.

As for the reason, you clearly stated the reason.. so that argument is invalid. You told me you had a stand off and you both agreed to do it. And I fail to see how human rights come in here? You broke the rules.. you are in the courthouse pleading not guilty (basically).. this is human right. You have been given a chance to say something about the situation and you were IG too.

The ban isn't invalid..

RE: Richtea's Ban Appeal. Floodify Abusive Ban. - Richtea - 07-17-2014

(07-17-2014, 12:06 AM)Floodify Wrote: Right, this is not a DarkRP server (thank god). You do not seem to understand the principal of rules, we don't just "let" people go because of an obvious rule breakage like this. We do not need permission, nor will I ever require permission to teleport people for admin situations. We operate the server to keep it balanced. What you did was witnessed by a 3rd cop so he could of thought this was okay, then told his friend and do this, and then his friend could of told his friend and so on. It's a continuous rule breakage and in the end it's your fault, because you started it. And such things shall not be let go that easily. You were banned rightfully.

As for the reason, you clearly stated the reason.. so that argument is invalid. You told me you had a stand off and you both agreed to do it. And I fail to see how human rights come in here? You broke the rules.. you are in the courthouse pleading not guilty (basically).. this is human right. You have been given a chance to say something about the situation and you were IG too.

The ban isn't invalid..

If this was as realistic as you make it out to be, where are my rights when i get ran over at least 5 times every day on your server? where are my rights when i get punch whored on the streets? where are my rights when i am randomly tazed and cuffed on the streets? at the end of the day, you blabber on about rights ect. When really, people i dont have rights on a game. Technically, nobody is even entitled to appeal bans. It's a privellage, not a right. So don't start going on about rights as if you are Nelson Mandella or something.

Also, i was not given an opportunity to appeal in game, i sent 3-4 messages and after the first one you got pissed off. Also you bringing me affected RP a lot more than a shoot of between two players does. I could have been doing anything, for all you know, i could have been the meat shield for the president who then gets shot and demoted because you bring me. However, same as you did, going on with stories like this has no point as none of it happened. Its just a way to explain.

You were justified in the ban looking at things in a black and white perspective, but when you look at from all sides of the story, we did NO harm to the server, the 3rd guy was harmed in the pathetic way of shooting me while i was on 2 health. me being banned will not improve the server in any way.

I was new to the server and being playing all day today in order to get the 10 hours to become president. and for what? to be banned for enjoying myself after 8 hours of laughless gameplay. Pffft.

RE: Richtea's Ban Appeal. Floodify Abusive Ban. - Floodify - 07-17-2014

You broke the rules? It is a rule breakage for why should you not be banned? It doesn't matter if you made no harm or not.. It's like prop killing eachother in an enclosed area where it doesn't harm anyone else.. is that okay?.. No. It's never okay. And no.. I don't have to pay respect to ask you if I can TP you.. especially not when you were breaking THE RULES. Rules are rules, they are to be followed.. not broken.

Oh and.. did I mention there is a ban request section? Yeah, check that out! You do have rights to get someone banned if they did something that broke the rules. Oh and just because I'm feeling good today, here ya go! : http://fearlessrp.net/forumdisplay.php?fid=14

RE: Richtea's Ban Appeal. Floodify Abusive Ban. - Richtea - 07-17-2014

(07-17-2014, 12:32 AM)Floodify Wrote: You broke the rules? It is a rule breakage for why should you not be banned? It doesn't matter if you made no harm or not.. It's like prop killing eachother in an enclosed area where it doesn't harm anyone else.. is that okay?.. No. It's never okay. And no.. I don't have to pay respect to ask you if I can TP you.. especially not when you were breaking THE RULES. Rules are rules, they are to be followed.. not broken.

Oh and.. did I mention there is a ban request section? Yeah, check that out! You do have rights to get someone banned if they did something that broke the rules. Oh and just because I'm feeling good today, here ya go! : http://fearlessrp.net/forumdisplay.php?fid=14

As i mentioned earlier, he gets very aggressive without reason. and also, i am very aware of where the ban requests section is, i can read. As an admin, you shouldn't be acting cocky on a thread, especially not one that is aimed at you hah.

Also, prop killing is mingery so yeah it is wrong, what i did was also wrong yeah, but as i have said time and time again, you are being black and white about it. We are all human and have common sense, you must be able to see that what we did had no effect on anything, now please, stop giving me cocky remarks on my thread, i would also prefer it if a different staff member dealt with this due to bias, he obviously won't go against his own decision with how stubborn he is.

RE: Richtea's Ban Appeal. Floodify Abusive Ban. - Floodify - 07-17-2014

Yet you keep complaining saying you haven't been treated right whilst I even link you to a feature of the community which you can use considering you complained about the rule breakers.

Mingery = Intention to disturb others gameplay.

So no, technically it wouldn't be mingery if you both agreed on prop killing eachothere... but telling by your logic teamkilling must be mingery too? You broke the rules, doesn't matter if it's on black on white or in super bright colors, you broke the rules and that's what matters.. FL aim to enforce rules.. hence why I banned you. I suggest you read the rules.