Richtea's Ban Appeal. Floodify Abusive Ban.
(07-17-2014, 12:06 AM)Floodify Wrote: Right, this is not a DarkRP server (thank god). You do not seem to understand the principal of rules, we don't just "let" people go because of an obvious rule breakage like this. We do not need permission, nor will I ever require permission to teleport people for admin situations. We operate the server to keep it balanced. What you did was witnessed by a 3rd cop so he could of thought this was okay, then told his friend and do this, and then his friend could of told his friend and so on. It's a continuous rule breakage and in the end it's your fault, because you started it. And such things shall not be let go that easily. You were banned rightfully.

As for the reason, you clearly stated the reason.. so that argument is invalid. You told me you had a stand off and you both agreed to do it. And I fail to see how human rights come in here? You broke the rules.. you are in the courthouse pleading not guilty (basically).. this is human right. You have been given a chance to say something about the situation and you were IG too.

The ban isn't invalid..

If this was as realistic as you make it out to be, where are my rights when i get ran over at least 5 times every day on your server? where are my rights when i get punch whored on the streets? where are my rights when i am randomly tazed and cuffed on the streets? at the end of the day, you blabber on about rights ect. When really, people i dont have rights on a game. Technically, nobody is even entitled to appeal bans. It's a privellage, not a right. So don't start going on about rights as if you are Nelson Mandella or something.

Also, i was not given an opportunity to appeal in game, i sent 3-4 messages and after the first one you got pissed off. Also you bringing me affected RP a lot more than a shoot of between two players does. I could have been doing anything, for all you know, i could have been the meat shield for the president who then gets shot and demoted because you bring me. However, same as you did, going on with stories like this has no point as none of it happened. Its just a way to explain.

You were justified in the ban looking at things in a black and white perspective, but when you look at from all sides of the story, we did NO harm to the server, the 3rd guy was harmed in the pathetic way of shooting me while i was on 2 health. me being banned will not improve the server in any way.

I was new to the server and being playing all day today in order to get the 10 hours to become president. and for what? to be banned for enjoying myself after 8 hours of laughless gameplay. Pffft.
wannabe skid
[Image: J8Wdw2Z.gif]

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RE: Richtea's Ban Appeal. Floodify Abusive Ban. - by Richtea - 07-17-2014, 12:24 AM

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