Banned 30 days for FailRP? Review ASAP please!!
I'm typing on my iPad so apologies for any typing errors, etc.

Lets see then, I hopped on to v2d and came to BP, I saw you under gunpoint, trying to knife someone, the person who had you under gun point told you to stop, which you did not, and continued to try knife the other person involved. I took you in the roof, informed you broke FearRP, and issued a ban.

I then requested an extension for a few reasons which will be below.

Firstly, you have 10 bans in record, you obviously aren't learning so I requested the extension.

Secondly, you have three bans on record for FearRP as DoomDude said.

Finally, literally two-three days before I issued this ban, I caught you smashing a car with props until it explode. Therefore it's obvious that you have no respect for the rules and you need a longer ban, and to be honest, you're lucky it was only a month.

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RE: Banned 30 days for FailRP? Review ASAP please!! - by Pavilion - 09-05-2013, 07:24 AM

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