Dawnrider's UnBan request 27/05/2013
(05-29-2013, 04:51 PM)Vauld Wrote: Of course, you were the only 2 armed rebels I saw at the end of the tunnel, and I saw bullet fire coming from the location you 2 were at. Upon second look, you are directly contradicting yourself now. You've said multiple times in this ban request that you did shoot at me ex: "Again when we shot you".
Im sorry but now you are just plain wrong cause i know for a fact that there were more armed rebels standing next to me....And you highly doubt i shot a single bullet, Let me sum up:
You didnt think there was an awp fired
You didnt hear an awp being fired,
You saw pistol and rifleshots being fired,
Yet you came to the 2 people with awps in hand, Probably the most accurate long range rifle against a still target in the game.
Why do you assume it was us that fired, Again is there no way to just check the logs to see if i damaged you or a civilian for that matter?
There were other armed rebels as i said, and im sure that they will back me up on that, if they were not scared of being banned now.
Correct about the screenshot btw, We did have a perfect reason, Dawnrider told me to take the shot cause i said i had a shot, He said Take it! I said no...I dont think ill take it you can take it if you want but i am not risking a ban.
I saw it coming you know, So i didnt actually fire.

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RE: Dawnrider's UnBan request 27/05/2013 - by Oneshott - 05-29-2013, 04:55 PM

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